Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

The Benefits of Quitting Porn: What Do You Hope to Gain?

Do you think you’ll actually benefit from quitting porn? It sounds obvious to say it, but the secret to successfully quitting porn is actually wanting to quit porn. The unfortunate reality is that, deep down, many people don’t want to quit. They may think they do, but they’re either too…

Blog Post

Hope After Porn – “Forsaking All Others”

I’ll never forget the first time I walked in on my husband looking at Internet pornography. Immediately my heart sank, and I remember this sick feeling wash over me. The thought that began to plague my mind instantly was, “How will I ever be able to compete with her?” If…

Blog Post

Dealing With The Frogs In Your Life: Getting Rid of Idols

In Exodus 8 we read about the plague of frogs God inflicted upon Egypt. Frogs were over the entire country (v.2). Frogs blanketed the land (v.6). Everywhere you looked you saw frogs. Frogs were in the homes, bedrooms, on people—everywhere (v.3-4). Pharaoh’s magicians duplicated what Moses and Aaron had done…

Blog Post

4 Reasons Women Struggle to Be Honest About Their Sexual Sin

Being honest about my past struggles with sexual sin and masturbation wasn’t easy. In fact, I didn’t want to be honest about it. I didn’t want to confess it. I wanted to shove those struggles into the deepest darkest corner of my life, never to be seen again. But I knew that…

Blog Post

I Was a Christian Woman Hooked on Porn

I will never forget the day I confessed to my husband that I was not only watching porn, but I was watching lesbian porn. Despite the shame and guilt I felt, I did not know how to stop. When I was younger, I became emotionally enmeshed and later sexually involved…

Blog Post

If You Give a Kid a Kindle: How to Prepare Your Kids for New Devices

As I was working today, an e-mail with the subject line, “Put some fun under the tree!” popped into my inbox. It was, of course, from a large consumer electronics company advertising their latest and greatest electronic device. We’ve put new devices under the tree too, and the response from…

Blog Post

Yes, Using Porn Is Cheating. Here’s Why.

I’ve heard it said that there are men who don’t look at porn, and then there are men who are breathing. If recent surveys are any indication, porn use has become the norm among men, not the exception. Still, I get a lot of questions from women who are feeling the…