Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Do you hide your porn addiction?

When we struggle with pornography, do we hide it? What makes us feel we need to keep it quiet, or at the very least, sugar-coat our confessions? In this video John Lynch answers this question: Christians often hide the raw truth of their struggle because they don’t really believe that…

Blog Post

Kirk Franklin, Porn Addiction, and Walking Trees

One of the most frustrating things I found in my search for freedom from porn addiction was the slowness of my progress. Why, if God is so good and so powerful, did he not heal me at once? I was recently thinking about one of the strangest Gospel stories: the story of…

Blog Post

How to Overcome Porn Addiction According to the Bible

The Bible clearly tells us what we should and shouldn’t do. It tells us that watching pornography is a sin and something Christians should strive to avoid.  But what if you are addicted to pornography? Suppose no matter how many times you resist and flee from temptation, its grip is too…

Blog Post

7 Necessary Tactics to Beat Porn Addiction

How do you beat porn addiction? For the man or woman who has been fighting this battle for the long time, often its seems like there’s no hope in sight. When we want to change, what practical defenses can be put in place that make for lasting change? Bob Reehm,…

Blog Post

Is Porn Addiction Real or Myth? The Debate Continues

What if someone told you—despite what popular media says—that “sex addiction” or “porn addiction” aren’t real? What if someone told you the whole thing is an inaccurate label that isn’t helping but is rather harming people in the long run? The concept of “sexual addiction” has been around a long…

Blog Post

Andrew’s Story: From Porn Addict to Missionary

For years, I battled with an addiction to pornography. I didn’t know it was an addiction because I just felt it was a perfectly normal thing for a guy to struggle with. I was exposed to my first pornographic experience when I was about 10 years old. I was a…

Blog Post

Anne Jackson speaks on porn addiction in women

Here’s the latest video from Out of Ur, the Christianity Today blog. Read Anne Jackson’s article about her porn addiction. Also, check out the new site, Dirty Girls: The New Porn Addicts, to take their surveys.

Blog Post

Help for Porn Addicts: Finding the Right Treatment

Porn addicts often need help—but many people feel at a loss when it comes to this problem. A Covenant Eyes member named Jeffrey described his experience with porn addiction: “The most easily accessible door to an endless supply of images was always calling me. It was a temporary escape from…

Blog Post

Setting Boundaries with Your Porn Addict Husband

When your porn addicted husband is trying to regain your trust it is vitally important for your sanity and your marriage that you establish clear boundaries. Boundaries are limits and precedents that you establish to let your husband know what is a reasonable way for him to behave so he…

Blog Post

Rebuilding Your Marriage After Porn Addiction

Discovering your husband has been watching pornography is one of the most devastating things for a wife. I know this to be true in my own life because my husband watched pornography for ten years before I ever found out. It has been three and a half years since that…