Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

3 Ways Your Porn Use Degrades Your Wife

When you value porn more than your wife, it destroys your marriage! She wants you to stop viewing it, yet you continue. She believes you don’t value her enough to quit. Sometimes she asks herself, “What did I do wrong, and why am I not good enough to satisfy him?”…

Blog Post

Why Surrendering to God Doesn’t Mean You’re Giving Up the Battle

Surrender is hard. Surrender is especially hard when you’re a type-A, emotional caregiver who struggles with anxiety. Hello, perfect storm. I want to fix everything. I want people to be happy and healthy and free. My first instinct is to evaluate and plan. I find solutions, present them, and cajole the person…

Blog Post

3 Reasons Why I Will Never Allow My Children on TikTok

When I opened the TikTok app for the first time, it took me less than a minute to find explicit content. I wanted to do some research into the claims that this extremely popular platform allows sexual videos, so I downloaded the app. Without even creating a user or verifying…

Blog Post

Is Accountability Software Just “Shameware?” 

Covenant Eyes is an anti-porn app for people who desire freedom from pornography but feel like they don’t have enough self-control to stop watching on their own. It’s an accountability tool for people who want to live out their beliefs and ideals and break free from the shame of a…

Blog Post

Getting to the Root of Lust

Confessions of a Porn Addict I still remember my first brushes with pornography. As a teenager I occasionally slipped off to take a peak at a calendar girl. Our cable service also delivered an adult channel (very scrambled) to our TV on occasion. In my teen years these photos and…

Blog Post

Husbands Who Watch Porn – What Are Their Wives Saying?

“Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff life is made of.” – Benjamin Franklin –   My wife is pregnant, about 8 week along now, and I’m getting a front row seat on the adventures of morning sickness. Recently, my wife was perusing the…

Blog Post

Will God Forgive Me for Watching Bad Things?

When is the last time you were watching something on your phone, your TV, or at the movie theater, and you saw something you shouldn’t? If you’re like most people, it wasn’t long ago. These days it’s hard to avoid watching bad things, even if you aren’t looking for them.…

Blog Post

Why Do Men Binge on Porn?

Understanding the Neuroscience Behind Online Harems A wife who stumbles on the Internet tracks of her husband’s porn tour is often shocked at the number of images and videos in this cyber harem. Why so many? Why so varied? People, and even some scientific studies, have offered simplistic answers to…

Blog Post

Flying Solo? You Can Still Quit Porn.

Want to know one of the toughest parts about quitting porn? Being honest with someone else about your struggle. Many, many people get stuck on this step. They feel trapped in a cycle of shame and guilt and are unable to remove themselves from this cycle that binds them to…