Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

How Reading Books (For Fun!) Can Help You Overcome Porn

Are you on the lookout for new ways to fight the temptation to look at porn? Obviously, there are a LOT of great books and articles out there to help you quit porn. You can check out our article 22 of the Best Books on Porn Addiction and Recovery. Or,…

Blog Post

6 Crucial Questions About Porn With Allen Parr

What’s a surprising way that porn can harm your life? “One of the things that is plaguing a lot of men—and this used to be an issue that only surfaced in older men, middle aged men—is erectile dysfunction.” Studies are showing a significant increase in erectile dysfunction issues in younger…

Blog Post

Tackling Taboos: How to Address Porn in Your Men’s Group

If you’re a men’s ministry leader, you likely have a need for men’s ministry resources. You need content that is hard-hitting, relevant, and deeply practical. And you need resources that address the most pressing issues that men today face—such as recovering from pornography. You may feel squeamish talking about porn…

Blog Post

4 Ways to Talk About Accountability Without Sounding Like a Pervert

The Covenant Eyes Customer Service Department has an unwritten rule when making outbound calls: Be cautious about leaving voice messages. This seems strange. After all, doctors leave messages instructing patients to call back for test results, and loan sharks certainly have no shame in harassing their debtors at all hours…

Blog Post

7 Lies I Believed When I Still Watched Porn

As someone who was once deeply trapped in the web of pornography, I can now look back and recognize several lies I believed without question during that time. Since sharing my story with many people over the years, I have found that these lies are not unique to my own…

Blog Post

Why Your Husband Looks at Women Online (And What to Do About It)

Why would your husband look at another woman, whether online or in real life? From billboards to sex flicks to websites and chat rooms, opportunities are rampant. And it’s as easy as “sexting” pictures of oneself and others. The format matters little. The results are the same: devastation. Because it’s…

Blog Post

Understanding the Teenage Brain: Different, Not Broken

When I was a teenager (back when dinosaurs roamed, according to my children), adults seemed to think teenagers were temporarily broken. One famous comedian at the time had a bit about how all teenagers have brain damage. We all probably have stories about things we did as teenagers which we…

Blog Post

Christian Women Need to Talk About Sexuality

I was shocked when they announced the title of the next book study that we would be doing. I was sitting in a room in my church next to Zack, surrounded by other small group leaders. “This is a conversation that we need to have more often in church,” my…

Blog Post

A Letter to Dad (From a Girl Who Got Trapped by Pornography)

I don’t blame him anymore; for a while, I did. He left, so it was easy to pin everything on him. My anger, insecurity and porn addiction could be traced back to one man—the man who left this daddy’s girl without a dad. The years have helped me see my…