Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Porn Is Not Your Biggest Problem

*This post contains mention of sexual assault. I spent many college nights scrolling through porn on my phone. Image after image flickered across my screen, but they always left me longing for more. One image or video was never enough to erase my loneliness or cure my sexual desire. Just…

Blog Post

6 Ways My Husband Helped Me Heal From Betrayal

Let’s say my husband is driving a car, and I’m in the passenger seat. He reaches for his phone to reply to a text message, and we get in a wreck. He’s okay, but my leg is mangled during the accident. If we’re looking for someone to blame, this is…

Blog Post

How Porn Is Keeping Men from Marriage (Part 2)

This two-part series begins with this question: What if porn not only makes it more difficult to wait for sex, but also makes it more difficult to get married? If you, or someone you know, want to be married, but are struggling with a porn habit, here are three more…

Blog Post

The Downward Spiral to Child Pornography

by Anonymous Around 6:00 AM on January 23, 2008, I was visited by several Department of Homeland Security agents who presented me with a search warrant and searched every inch of my apartment for computers and anything containing computer files. I knew why they had come and to my surprise,…

Blog Post

John’s Story: From Darkness to Light

How can a young person live a life of integrity using today’s technology? This is a question I have asked myself thousands of times. Growing up, it was always my heart’s desire to live a life of purity, yet I was crippled with the inability to carry out this desire…

Blog Post

Porn and Loneliness: Breaking the Cycle

“I’m 18 years old and I have been watching porn since I was 13. It is painful to watch porn, but it is like a drug it is hard to shake off. I do it because I’m lonely and depressed and that it becomes a struggle for me to stop.”…

Blog Post

Escaping the Lies of Pornography

In his book Surfing For God: Discovering the Divine Desire Beneath Sexual Struggle, author and counselor Michael John Cusick describes the crafty and effective ways in which our enemy draws us into pornography through a series of lies and broken promises. Like the serpent tempting Adam and Eve, Satan uses…

Blog Post

True Story: How Michael Overcame Porn

Our stories matter. Each of us has a compelling story to tell. When we share, we can’t always anticipate how our story will impact the people around us, but sometimes the impact is significant. Jesus made it very clear that “in this world you will have trouble” (John 16:33). But, what…

Blog Post

5 Big Questions About Christians and Porn

Christians and porn have an odd relationship. Most Christians, if asked, would say that porn is wrong, yet an increasing number of Christians (including women, kids, and pastors) admit to watching it. Part of the reason for this may be we haven’t received clear answers to some big questions about…