Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

When You’re Both Tempted by Porn: CJ and Shelley’s Story

Though it’s been over 30 years since that day, I remember it well. I was eight years old the first time these eyes saw pornographic images and “Pandora’s Box” was opened. Two neighborhood boys came over to my house to play like so many other days before. Whispering, one of…

Blog Post

Samson and the Pirate Monks (Book Review)

Samson and the Pirate Monks is a story about a fellowship of men—men who are helping one another to take off their pious masks and bear their souls to each other. The subtitle really captures the purpose of the book: “Calling Men to Authentic Brotherhood.” The cover of the book,…

Blog Post

Can a Therapeutic Separation Help Our Marriage after Betrayal?

This post has been updated as of September 2020. As a Betrayal Trauma Recovery coach, I see up close the personal devastation experienced by women who have been in long-term relationships with men struggling with pornography addiction and/or emotional or physical affairs. In the early days following the discovery of…

Blog Post

3 Strategies to Avoid Burnout from a Veteran Sex Addiction Counselor

Pastor D made an appointment to see me because of a combination of discouragement in his ministry, declining physical energy, and increasingly intense marriage conflicts. After we met, I realized he hadn’t told me half of what was going on. He was on the brink of resigning from his ministry,…

Blog Post

How a Pastor Fell Into Porn—and Found Freedom!

His fall into the porn trap was subtle. Many people who struggle with porn addiction can point to a defining moment in their experience with porn, but for Pastor Kell, it began more subtly.  Pastor Kell became a Christian at age 21. The Lord saved him from what he describes…

Blog Post

Can a Christian Love Porn? 4 Keys to a Christ-Centered Mindset

“I love Jesus, but I also love porn.” It’s hard to imagine that sentence being spoken aloud. But vast numbers of Christians live out this experience every day—feeling like they love what Jesus tells them they should hate. There are many reasons to remove porn from your life. But for…

Blog Post

True Story: Woman Finds Healing After 15 Years of Addiction

To maintain anonymity, we have removed the name of the user who submitted this story and replaced her name with “G.” This is a true story. “I was raised in a big Christian, conservative home (and still hold to those views and doctrines), where no one expected porn to be…

Blog Post

What’s the big deal about watching porn? (Teen Edition)

What’s the big deal about watching porn? If you’re a teenager, you might have asked that question or others like it. Scrolling through this blog, you’ll find a lot of stories from people whose lives have been messed up by porn. Many of these stories retell the damage done to…

Blog Post

Why We All Need an Ally

If you’re in a partnership where one of you is addicted to pornography, you may have heard that the person struggling with the addiction needs an accountability partner. Guess what. The person who’s not addicted needs one too. But first, let’s talk about what accountability is and isn’t. What Is…