Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Myths About Pornography

I spend the bulk of my working hours surfing the Web to listen to the chatter about porn. Addicts, wives of addicts, parents of addicts, porn stars and pastors and priests, the tempted and the tried: many people are talking about how habitual pornography viewing has affected them and those…

Blog Post

The Sting of Betrayal: When Your Husband Looks at Porn

Tears betray your pillow and meet your lips and you wonder how betrayal has become such a faithful word in your life. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. You loved him when you said those vows; now it’s hard to remember what you ever loved. There are pieces you…

Blog Post

Why Can’t I Stop Watching Porn? 3 Reasons It’s Hard to Quit

I can’t stop watching porn. No really, I want to. I have made promises and tried fresh starts in the New Year. I have even gone forward in church, gotten down on my knees, and begged God to help me stop watching it. But I can’t quit porn! What is the…

Blog Post

Porn and Trauma: Unraveling the Connection

What’s the relationship between pornography and trauma? A look into the extensive research on this subject reveals a complex answer. Exposure to porn can traumatize the viewer. At the same time, addictive patterns of pornography use often find their roots in traumatic experiences of the past. Let’s untangle the threads…

Blog Post

8 Myths That Will Roadblock Your Path to Recovery

“I think you may have an addiction. You need to be in recovery.” As soon as I heard those words, I fired my therapist. Me – an addict? Me – in need of recovery? I was an educated man, an author, a university board chairman, an NBA chaplain. I was…

Blog Post

Should You Date a Man Who Struggles with Porn?

Jessica met Brad through a young professionals group at her church and had been going out with him for several weeks. One evening while having coffee with Brad, he confessed to her that he currently struggles with pornography and is trying really hard to stop. Jessica wasn’t sure how to…

Blog Post

The Deadly Cycle of Pornography

In my last video I talked about the cycle of temptation, applying it specifically to pornography. If you haven’t gotten a chance to look at it go ahead and watch last week’s video. If you are finding yourself in the middle of the series, don’t worry, click this link and it…

Blog Post

10 Phrases Every Person Overcoming Porn Needs to Hear

As an ally or friend to someone working to overcome pornography, knowing what to say to them through their inevitable ups and downs can be challenging. You may not even have any idea of what you can say that will be encouraging, and that’s okay. Just being there for someone…

Blog Post

Porn and Doubt: Why Porn Hurts Christians’ Faith

Watching pornography may lead you to doubt your faith. This is what a 2017 sociological study concluded, and many Covenant Eyes members have expressed the same thing. Let’s take a closer look at the relationship between pornography and doubt, and why it affects your faith so strongly. Why Does Porn…