Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Stop the Abuse of Partners of Sex Addicts

Over the last decade, there have been a handful of professionals in the sex addiction treatment community who are trying to change the treatment of partners of sex addicts. This group is growing and has been joined by other therapists, life coaches, and pastoral counselors. It is exciting to see…

Blog Post

What Is the Difference Between “Liking” and “Wanting” Porn?

Can you want something you don’t even like? Many people who try to leave their porn addiction are confused by their own desires. They genuinely wish to stop. They may even feel disgusted by pornography, not to mention the effects it has on their lives. But they still want it…

Blog Post

Secretly Watching Porn: The Night I Finally Came Clean to My Wife

by James Cordrey In my marriage we call it “The Confession.” In truth, that’s not quite an accurate name for what happened. God ambushed me while I was having a conversation with my wife, Carolyn. A seemingly harmless interaction took a sudden turn and the next thing I knew, the…

Blog Post

How Much Porn Is Too Much?

If you find yourself asking how much porn is too much, there is probably a reason why! Perhaps someone in your life has been negatively impacted by pornography, or maybe you have experienced the effects of porn in your own life. Regardless, you are likely wondering where the line is…

Blog Post

10 Amazing Resources for Talking to Kids About Porn

Talking to kids about porn sounds, at the very least, like an awkward conversation. Even parents aware of the dangers of pornography are often unsure how to approach the topic in an age-appropriate way. Finding and reading books about how to do so can be equally challenging. But, in this…

Blog Post

The Kitchen Sink Strategy

When it comes to defeating a porn addiction, no silver bullet works for everyone. I have both personally defeated an addiction to pornography and witnessed many friends do the same. I’ve discovered there are commonalities in every man’s battle, but each man has a different path to victory. A deep…

Blog Post

5 Popular Reasons Why Guys Like to Watch Porn

Many people, especially women, wonder why so many men like pornography. They have difficulty understanding how certain photographs and videos can have such a hold on men’s attention. Men’s attraction to pornography is due to a complex combination of biological, psychological and sociological processes, but they can be condensed into…

Blog Post

Am I to blame for my husband’s porn problem?

We talk to many women who are going through the heart-break of watching their husbands sink into the mire of porn addiction. This sensitive subject is only compounded when we hear how husbands actually blame their wives for their habit. I had a conversation last year with Cindy Beall about…