Search Results for: porn addicts

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No Condemnation For Porn

Many Christians believe two powerful and contradictory lies. On one hand, they tell themselves that watching porn isn’t that bad—it’s a personal decision that doesn’t affect anyone else. On the other hand, they’re terrified of anyone finding out about their porn use, as though it were the most shameful and…

Blog Post

Join the Fight Against Pornography

Does hardcore pornography deserve First Amendment protection? Or are there legal grounds to restrict pornography in our society? More than 50 years ago, Supreme Court Justice William Brennan, widely known for his liberal defense of First Amendment rights, plainly said that the highest court in the land “has always assumed…

Blog Post

What Christmas Means for Porn Users

Is there anything more antithetical to Christmas than porn? Porn and Christmas don’t mix. But for many, the holidays are a season of relapse and bondage. If someone you love is struggling with porn this holiday, the joy of Christmas may feel like it doesn’t apply to them. Many find…

Blog Post

His Story, Her Story: The Insidious Nature of Porn

Nick’s Story: Why I am weak Loved ones always ignored my pornography use until my wife finally confronted me, exposing it for what it was: an addiction. Lust is a crazy thing: the lies that sound so true; the numbing guilt; the secrets of my darkness; the “coping mechanism.” Human…

Blog Post

Porn Free: Finding Renewal through Truth and Community (Book Review)

Porn addicts are, unfortunately, a dime a dozen these days. And in the Christian “recovery” community, there is no shortage of would-be therapists and theologians. Brian Gardner, author of Porn Free: Finding Renewal through Truth and Community, stands heads-and-shoulders above the rest in this grassroots movement. His ruthless desire to…

Blog Post

Here’s What 3 Teens Have to Say About Porn

We have received thousand of stories from people who have used Covenant Eyes to help them overcome porn addiction. Each story is unique, but all are incredibly powerful. As someone who has grown up using Covenant Eyes, my favorite stories to read are those coming from the younger generation—the kids…

Blog Post

That First Click: Jennifer’s Story

Jennifer Green is a born and raised Kansas City girl. She and her husband, Matthew, live there raising their two children. Jennifer works in churches and communities mobilizing volunteers, planning events, and speaking at local events. I can’t remember a time when I hadn’t had pornographic images around me. From…

Blog Post

When Did Porn Become Such a Big Problem?

Sometime around the mid 2000s, Internet speeds went from barely being able to upload high definition photos to capable of streaming movies without a single hiccup. We moved from dial-up to DSL, to Broadband to Google Fiber, with speeds that can download an entire season of a TV show in…

Blog Post

My Husband Has PIED: What Do I Do?

Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction Is Crushing Marriages In a recent survey sent to over 70,000 Covenant Eyes friends, we asked for their input about what types of questions they wanted answered related to porn-induced erectile dysfunction (PIED). We were surprised at the number of responses we received from wives, many that…

Blog Post

How to Preach About Porn Without Filling Your Email Inbox

Your Church Probably Needs to Talk More About Pornography “Now, I know I’m going to get a lot of emails about this…” It was a joke Noel made often. Noel is the lead teaching pastor at a megachurch in Michigan. As such, he’s the church’s most public face for several…