Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

The Biggest Misconception About Quitting Porn

After getting 13 years and 8 months into my recovery, and after helping thousands of people deal with porn, I have one specific answer to this issue. The biggest misconception about quitting porn is thinking it won’t be that difficult. People struggling with porn often think if they just really…

Blog Post

My Drug & His Poison: Tiffany’s Story

“Do not bite at the bait of pleasure till you know there is no hook beneath it.” ~ Thomas Jefferson Do you remember the first time you realized that you loved your husband or boyfriend? Do you find yourself often visiting that special moment in your mind? Perhaps reminiscing about…

Blog Post

7 Facts About Porn and the Male Brain

1. Porn causes men to feel like they “need” sex. The journal Human Brain Mapping published a study demonstrating that while many men and women have similar regions of the brain activated during the viewing of porn, only in men is there a significant activation of the thalamus and hypothalamus.…

Blog Post

4 Tips for Your Mental Health While Your Spouse Quits Porn

The fact that your spouse has committed to kicking his/her porn habit is huge. Even admitting that porn is a problem is a big deal—one can’t attempt to heal from a sickness s/he won’t acknowledge is there. This step, while it can look seemingly small, is actually the catalyst for…

Blog Post

Who Is Watching Porn in Church and What Can We Do About It?

Would you watch porn in a church building? The question might sound shocking, but a while back, our team spoke with David Blythe, a pastor who regularly travels and speaks on the temptations of pornography. A young man approached him after one of his seminars and spoke about being hired…

Blog Post

Pornography and Christ Don’t Mix: Here’s Why

How does porn fit into a Christian’s life? The short answer to this question is that they do not blend together. Porn is utter darkness and Jesus Christ is pure light. They are completely contrary. I could stop right here and make this the shortest article on pornography ever written.…

Blog Post

Why am I not enough for him?

For women married to a porn user This is a question I’ve heard from every wife I’ve counseled whose husband is involved with pornography. Some of these wives knew about the porn before marriage, but naively believed that she could change him, that their love for one another would help…

Blog Post

The Catholic Church and Porn: 4 Quick Insights From The Bishops’ Letter

In November 2015 the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) approved a formal statement titled, Create in Me a Clean Heart: A Pastoral Response to Pornography. This is a major statement on behalf of Catholic leaders in the United States about how widespread the problem of pornography has spread and…

Blog Post

Plan for Success in the Battle Against Pornography!

At Covenant Eyes, we talk with pastors every week as they come to us looking for resources, solutions, or just plain, “what can I do next” questions.  Most are reacting to a current cry for help from a congregant.  A man confessing a porn addiction, a spouse dealing with their…