Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Husbands Who Watch Porn (Part 5) – A Message to Christian Husbands

Back in March I wrote a post called “Husbands Who Watch Porn.” I was unprepared for the slew of comments on this post we received from women. Since then our category, “Wives of Porn Addicts,” has been our most viewed link on this blog. After some recent comments we have received,…

Blog Post

Musicians Tour to Speak Out About Porn Temptation

Honesty, Integrity, Passion & Purpose: that is what makes this tour unique. Our performance, our ministry, is based on my personal struggle with hidden addictions (drugs, porn), the mind of an addict, who I am in public, versus who I become when I’m alone and no one is looking. A…

Blog Post

3 Ways Porn Affects Your Sex Life

I have four kids. A daughter and three boys. If you’re a parent, I’m sure you’ve said things that you never thought you’d have to say as a grown, mature adult. Let me give you an example. One of my children was recently running around the living room naked, singing…

Blog Post

5 Eye-Opening Revelations From 850 Scholarship Essays

Each year, Covenant Eyes holds a scholarship contest for current members who are enrolled as full-time students. This year, we had over 850 applicants! These amazing students answered questions about integrity using today’s technology, their struggles with pornography, victories, and their experiences using our software and personal accountability. I had…

Blog Post

3 Things We Can Help With Your Marriage

Does your spouse struggle with porn? If so, you know first-hand the devastation this can have on your marriage. We want to help you because Covenant Eyes was made for marriages. Here are some recent stories we received from members that highlight three important ways that Covenant Eyes helps marriages.…

Blog Post

Why Medicating Shame’s Pain with Porn Never Works

Shame is as old as Adam and Eve…well, almost. Genesis 2:24-25 says, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.  And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.” In the beginning God…

Blog Post

The Life-Changing Power of Sharing Your Story

The statistics on porn use are staggering. It’s pretty safe to say that at least one in two American men, and a growing number of women, struggle with compulsive porn use. And it’s no wonder: porn is easy to access, free, pleasurable (at least for the moment), and anonymous, making…

Blog Post

“When Will I No Longer Need Accountability?”

The short answer is when you are in heaven. The real question should be: why do I need accountability? If I can really understand why I need accountability, then the “when will I no longer need accountability” will answer itself. Everybody needs to have accountability on an ongoing basis because of…

Blog Post

The Best Way to Block Porn (It Isn’t What You Think)

Probably one of the most obvious and simple ways to stop looking at porn is to employ some kind of filter to remove the junk. There are many Internet filters on the market today. And, for many people, using a filter is a good thing, particularly if there are young…