Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

How “Scrupulosity” Can Affect Porn Users

In academic studies on pornography, you often encounter the term “scrupulosity.” It’s a technical word related to the idea of “having scruples” about something, but in a neurotic or obsessive way. However, it plays an important part in how psychologists and sociologists understand the effects of porn, particularly on Christians.…

Blog Post

6 Powerful Stories of Marriages That Overcame Porn

When porn addiction enters the bounds of marriage, devastation and hurt usually follow. Many relationships are permanently torn apart because of sexual temptation and lust. However, at Covenant Eyes we have the joy of hearing stories from men and women who successfully restored their marriages, even after porn tried to…

Blog Post

Porn’s Escalation: I Never Thought I’d Look at That!

Has your porn use escalated? Have you viewed something taboo and desired to see more of it? Have you found yourself searching more specifically? Have you paid for porn? Have fear and shame gripped you when you thought of someone ever knowing what you looked at? You’re not alone… His…

Blog Post

Covenant Eyes Recognizes Internet Safety Month

June is Internet Safety Month. The US Senate has set June aside as Internet Safety Month for the past several years because of the growing awareness of online dangers. The best tool we have to prevent these dangers from influencing our children is good education. Here’s a list of some…

Blog Post

The Lies Men Believe About Porn

Episode 163 [powerpress] Often when it comes to overcoming a deeply ingrained habit of looking at pornography, men often don’t know where to start. The most pressing need they feel is quitting something that has taken over their lives, but what men often overlook is that pornography use is often not…

Blog Post

Podcast: The Perfect Sin (Internet Pornography)

I just finished listening to a podcast from one of our ministry partners, Steve Webb. One of his latest Lifespring podcasts, “The Perfect Sin: Internet Pornography,” offers a number of thoughts for the porn addict. If you struggle with this problem, you may want to give this a listen.

Blog Post

4 Ways to Minister to People with Sexual Addictions

Over the past few years, I’ve been in a fortunate position to be able to minister to many men locally and across the United States who struggle with an addiction to pornography. Pornography is a huge issue inside and outside the church. Based on the things I’ve learned in ministry,…

Blog Post

Where to Find the Boldness to Share Your Porn Secret

Four years into my marriage I was buried in guilt and shame due to a porn addiction that no one (including my husband) knew about. The secrecy was killing me inside. Every single day I wished I could stop, but I didn’t know how. Day after day I promised myself…