Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

False Love: Overcoming Sexual Sin (Steps 7, 8, & 9)

God does not ask porn addicts to change themselves: he changes them from the inside out. He asks them to order their lives to receive his resources that will bring about transformation. But once we are on the road to real transformation, how do we persevere for the long haul?…

Blog Post

False Love: Overcoming Sexual Sin (Steps 4&5)

When it comes to porn addiction or other sexual sins, the gospel not only tells us who the answer is (Jesus) but also sheds light on the utter depths of our condition. Once we have come to terms with our sin, where do we turn next? In this video series,…

Blog Post

Crucified with Christ: Overcoming Sin (Part 1)

I’ve corresponded with many people who ask me the same question: How do I win the long battle against sin? How do I fight sin in such a way that I’m not merely changing my behavior, but really changing my heart? For most of these people, their big battle is…

Blog Post

Do women look at porn? Yes. Here are the stats.

If there ever was a time when porn was an exclusively male habit, that time is long gone. Here are some of the most recent statistics about women and pornography use… Your web browser does not support iframes, which means that the video Do Women Look at Porn? cannot play.…

Blog Post

Are you over-spiritualizing your porn struggle?

Have you ever thought that you may be over-spiritualizing, or possibly under-spiritualizing, your struggle with pornography? The content you read here may include religious language from other denominations. Please don’t let this distract from the overall message. Covenant Eyes frequently writes from a Christian perspective (both Catholic and Protestant), but we work…

Blog Post

3 Stories of Guys Who Struggled (and Recovered) From Porn-Induced ED

Erectile dysfunction. It’s kind of an awkward topic to talk about and an even more awkward problem to admit struggling with, especially if you’re a young and healthy guy. But there’s actually an increasing number of teens and young men dealing with ED. While it’s due to performance anxiety or…

Blog Post

4 Methods That Won’t Help Your Spouse Overcome Porn

It took my husband about ten years to finally be fully free from the grips of porn addiction. As such, I found plenty of methods and tactics that did nothing to help and did much to hinder my husband’s progress towards kicking his addiction. Before I tell you all the…

Blog Post

Pornography Damaged My View of Sex: Jessica Harris’ Story

“You need to stop viewing your past with pornography as addiction and sin and start viewing it as trauma and abuse.” I sat in a chair across from my counselor, weeks away from my wedding, struggling with guilt and anxiety over my years of pornography addiction. Though my struggle had…