Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Their Divorce Just Didn’t Work Out

Our friends Tray and Melody Lovvorn were recently featured on to talk about their story of pornography addiction, infidelity, divorce, and remarriage. Watch their video testimony. I first interviewed the Lovvorns on October 3, 2009, the day of their second first anniversary (that is, the anniversary of their second…

Blog Post

Porn Users Have Smaller Brains

According to a new German study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Psychiatry, there is a significant correlation between higher consumption of porn and a lower amount of grey matter in your brain. It isn’t clear from the study if one phenomenon causes the other. Are those born…

Blog Post

Your Brain on Porn (Ebook Review)

Pornography remains in high demand for one reason: It is titillating, pure and simple. The enemy would have us believe that he, not God, trades in pleasure, and that we who were created for sexual pleasure can have that experience virtually any time we want. In the age of the…

Blog Post

5 Bad Habits That Kill Love in a Marriage

We live by habits–some good, but some bad! We have habitual behaviors, like driving the same path to work every day without even thinking about where we are going or turning next–we just do it. We also have habitual thought patterns, like the person who always thinks the negative, or…

Blog Post

Your Child Struggles with Porn? You Are Not Alone

When my son told us he had been watching pornography, I wanted to throw up. When I understood the depth of his addiction and the length of time he had been watching, I berated myself, feeling inadequate as a parent and person. But mostly I felt alone. Every other crisis…

Blog Post

Advice for Parents Feeling Betrayed and Deceived by Their Teen Addict

I am a mom of four beautiful children. They each have their positive and negative traits. Each has made me laugh and feel pride at their accomplishments, and each has disappointed me and fallen short of my expectations. When I found out my third child, a son, had been watching…

Blog Post

The Myth of Self-Control

Each time I caught Craig engaging with pornography, I either said or thought things like this: “Why can’t you exercise self-control?” “Why can’t you recognize this is harmful and hurtful and just not do it anymore?” “If you were a stronger person, you would be able to make a different…

Blog Post

The Day She Left Him: How Porn Nearly Destroyed Their Marriage

Episode 158 [powerpress] Darren was in seminary, in training to be a minister, but his addiction to porn was growing. Four years into their marriage, his wife April found out about it and continued to discover signs of his problem for eight more years. Little by little, her respect for…

Blog Post

Does Watching Porn Make You Dumber?

Does porn make you stupid? It might sound like a silly question. Or it might sound like an old wives’ tale that prudes would invent to keep kids from looking at porn—like the idea that masturbating too much can make you go blind. Raising this concern might even seem offensive…