Search Results for: porn addicts

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Christians and Porn: Free Webinar Coming Up on October 30

Register now for Porn-Free: How churches are creating a culture of confession and freedom. According to a recent study, 1 in 8 searches online is for erotic content. Pornography use is a problem impacting many men, women, and families in the church, but with such a taboo subject, how can churches…

Blog Post

Survey Shows That Women Feel Isolated in Their Struggle With Porn

One of the problems of working in the field of porn addiction and recovery is that many of us tend to assume certain things about porn users. We tend to stereotype them as men married to a gorgeous woman. They’re just starting their own families and they want to be…

Blog Post

Why Does My Husband Prefer Porn to Sex With Me?

More and more I meet women who are so disheartened because their husbands have stopped really initiating sex and have instead gone to porn for satisfaction. I hear this from women who say they miss having sex with their husbands, and they just don’t know what to do to reestablish…

Blog Post

Single and Tempted by Porn

Recently we got a message from one of our users who wanted to know if we had anything for single people on our blog. We are constantly writing to families, but he wanted to know if there was anything he could read as a single guy. Hi friend, Thanks for…

Blog Post

11 Powerful Sermons on Porn and Tips for Writing Your Own (2023)

Porn can be an awkward subject, and preaching a sermon on porn can be difficult for many pastors. However, there are some POWERFUL messages about the dangers of porn and how to escape the grip of lust.   Whether you’re someone struggling with porn, a pastor looking for good examples of sermons on porn to pull from, or simply a believer who wants to…

Blog Post

What Is Your Reason for Quitting Porn?

Jim had the best intentions. He wanted to quit porn, fix his marriage, and stay clean. But after two months of sobriety, he relapsed. Derek has a similar story. After an arrest for viewing child porn scared him, his therapist directed him to a 12-Step Group, where he quickly found…

Blog Post

Living a Life of Integrity

Each year Covenant Eyes awards thousands of scholarship dollars to students who demonstrate integrity. This year, we’re doing it again! Check out the application information and pass it along to a student you know or apply for the scholarship today. The essays below were written by one of last year’s winners who asked to remain anonymous.…

Blog Post

Three Biblical Principles to be Free from Pornography

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 67 [display_podcast] In today’s podcast we talk to Jeff Colón of Pure Life Ministries. Pure Life helps Christian individuals and churches who are dealing with sexual brokenness and sin. Devastated by his own porn addiction, Jeff came to Pure Life many years ago to be…

Blog Post

How I Quit Porn: The wake-up call that turned my world upsidedown

What happens when your husband’s porn addiction, adultery, and lies reach a point where you can’t take it any longer? This was the place Nicole was in 2008. Two weeks after her eighth wedding anniversary she packed her bags, took the kids, and left Jon. This was the wake-up call…

Blog Post

How Can I Prepare for My Husband’s Next Porn Relapse?

Once upon a time, I was blissfully happy. No, my life wasn’t perfect or easy. Instead, it was real–messy, but meaningful. I lived and worked passionately within the world of pornography addiction and betrayal trauma recovery, with a job I adored and the marriage I’d always wanted. And then, without…