Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Redemption One Day at a Time: Luke’s Story

Porn and masturbation addiction was one of the ugliest aspects of my life. They affected so much of my childhood, teenage, and young adult years. Once I began to feel how sinful and immoral it was, I became anxious and scrupulous but still didn’t stop these behaviors completely. But I…

Blog Post

Exposed – A Novel for Women Devastated by Porn

My friend Ashley Weis is publishing her first novel, Exposed, in September. It is the story of a marriage counselor who discovers her husband’s pornography addiction, and a teen who falls into the self-destructive porn industry. For anyone woman who has experienced the harm that pornography brings, you’ll be sure…

Blog Post

3 Reasons Anime Porn Is Bad for You

Today, there are a lot more people out there speaking out against pornography on the grounds that it really isn’t a very healthy industry. The more they read the stories of the women and men in pornography, the conditions of their work, the use of drugs, the physical pain, the…

Blog Post

Addressing Pornography Temptation in Your Church

We’ve updated the information in this blog post. For more information on the e-book Porn-Free Church, click here. So You Want to Open the Can of Worms Porn in the church. You’ve read the stats. You know the problem is big and that it is in your midst. Your gut…

Blog Post

Talking Trauma: From Down Under

If you had 30- 40 minutes in front of an audience of pastors and counselors, what would you say? What about if the topic was limited to sex and porn addiction? This was the situation that I, as an author and wife of a recovering pornography addict, found myself in…

Blog Post

Is Porn Your "Sideshow"?

Our friends in the White Collar Sideshow were recently featured on the cover of Hard Music Magazine. We continue to hear stories from the road about how they are helping people entrenched in secret sin, like pornography addiction. Hear more of T and Veronica’s story: Listen to Part 1 and…

Blog Post

From Porn to Purity – Healing a Marriage Damaged by Pornography

Covenant Eyes Podcast – Episode 23 [display_podcast] Today on the Covenant Eyes Podcast we’ll be hearing more of Jeff and Marsha Fisher’s story. Jeff was a pastor and a church planter who lost his job when his secret porn addiction came to light. Today Marsha will share how she felt…

Blog Post

5 Common Myths About Setting Boundaries

Here’s an everyday occurance in my office: A woman who is betrayed, wounded, confused and traumatized, seeking to feel safe and stable within her own marriage, tried to set a boundary about porn in her home—hoping to avoid future episodes of betrayal and deception. In response to this attempt, her…