Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Christian Teens and Pornography: How big is the problem?

Just how widespread is the problem of youth in the church watching pornography today? Our friends Josh and Jeannie Yates who work in youth ministry at Gingellville Community Church were interviewed about their experience regarding young people and pornography. They also talk at length about why they use Internet accountability…

Blog Post

The Pornography Pastor: Nick Stumbo’s Story

When Nick Stumbo first encountered porn at the age of 10, he immediately knew that it was shameful and secretive. Like most Christian homes at the time, the topic of sex was taboo. Aside from the “birds and the bees” talk that Nick had with his father, there was little…

Blog Post

Book Review – L.I.F.E. Guide for Women

What can I say about L.I.F.E. Guide for Women? I truly can’t praise this workbook enough. Marnie Ferree has written the first resource I have found that directly and candidly discusses sexual addiction among women. From promiscuity to porn addiction, Marnie brings hope and tools for recovery to topics that…

Blog Post

End of the Year Roundup: Top 5 Articles of 2014

This year on the Covenant Eyes blog we published more than 180 articles, but these five made the biggest splash. 5. What I should have told Bob Coy 29 years ago by Nate Larkin Mega-church pastor Bob Coy was fired from his church for “moral failings.” I know the issue is…

Blog Post

Covenant Eyes Was Made for Women: You Can Be a Hero Too!

If there’s one thing we know for certain, it’s this: porn doesn’t discriminate between men and women. Sure, a large percentage of porn users are men, but it’s becoming more common for women to step forward with a need for accountability and recovery. Our ongoing mantra for women is “you…

Blog Post

Your Brain on Porn – Interview with Mark Kastleman

Covenant Eyes Podcast – Episode 5 [display_podcast] Mark Kastleman is the author of The Drug of the New Millennium, a book about how pornography use affects the brain. In today’s portion of the interview Mark shares some of the findings from researchers and neurobiologists about the hormones released in the…

Blog Post

Porn and Dopamine: Superstar or Supervillain?

Dopamine has received a lot of popular press these days, especially when it comes to things like watching porn. Depending on who you ask, you might think dopamine is a superstar or a supervillain. Once you get past the basic details—i.e., pleasurable chemicals are released when you look at porn—the…

Blog Post

What if my child is addicted to porn?

The following is an excerpt from When Your Child is Looking at Porn:  A Step-by-Step Guide for Christian Parents. If you discover your child has developed a habit of looking at porn, or even something that looks like a full-blown “addiction,” ask for help. You may not feel equipped to…