Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Escaping from Porn: The 6 Essential Ingredients of Repentance

A survey commissioned by a nonprofit organization called Proven Men Ministries and conducted by the Barna Group took a national representative sample of 388 self-identified Christian adult men. The statistics are alarming and paint a picture of the serious problem that is addiction to pornography. The statistics for Christian men…

Blog Post

Melodie’s Story: Broken, Loved, and Redeemed

It all began on a hot summer evening. It was the last day of school. I had just left all my middle school friends for the last time as we were all going to attend different high schools in the fall. My mom drove my sisters and me to go…

Blog Post

Wall Street Turns to Sex to Cope

A recent article from reported about the high number of Wall Street bankers who are coping with economic stresses by turning to sex addiction. For example, Jonathan Alpert, a Manhattan psychotherapist reports that he has seen a threefold increase in the number of Wall Street workers seeking help for their…

Blog Post

From Porn to Purity – Deep Restoration for Hurting Marriages

Covenant Eyes Podcast – Episode 24 [display_podcast] Today on the Covenant Eyes podcast we’ll be playing the fourth and final portion of our interview with Jeff and Marsha Fisher. Jeff will talk candidly about the root of his porn addiction and how he now strives for deeper marital intimacy. Marsha…

Blog Post

Discovering Practices for a Porn-Free Life: Biz Gainey’s Story

Biz Gainey has been married to Melissa for twenty years, with three children. He serves as a pastor of a local congregation committed to soul keeping and spiritual formation for the sake of others. He uses accountability software on every electronic device he owns and meets with a group of…

Blog Post

How to Gain Trust and Respect When You Deserve Less

It’s been said, ‘‘You cannot give what you do not have.” Here’s an example. If someone asks me for ten thousand dollars, I could write that person a check for the ten thousand bucks, but in time (not long) they will find out that it was a promise unable to…

Blog Post

Disinfecting the Shame of Porn

When it comes to porn addiction, especially for Christians, shame often keeps men and women trapped in secrecy. But a new documentary is seeking change that. Here’s the catch: they need your help. Our friends involved in the Shamed project have an ambitious goal: raise $110,000 to finish the film.…

Blog Post

Sexual Addiction = Sexual Idolatry

As someone who used to be deep into porn addiction, I have benefited greatly from Pure Life Ministries and the work of Steve Gallagher. His book, At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry, is refreshing and thought-provoking. The story of his own exodus out of addiction, Out of the Depths of…