Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Sexual Betrayal Is Not Your Fault (But What’s Your Part?)

When my wife of eighteen years closed the door on our marriage and drove away to meet her lover, I crumpled to the floor and sobbed uncontrollably. The news of her nine-month affair and her decision to leave me and our two children came just minutes apart, and out of…

Blog Post

How Respect Shrivels the Power of Porn

If you had tried to convince me 11 years ago that I needed to respect my porn-addicted husband, I would have laughed in your face. Not the “funny ha-ha” kind of laugh. More like a sneer with words dripping with venom: I’ll respect him when he’s worthy of my respect. What…

Blog Post

Why are so many Christians addicted to porn?

According to a recent survey by the Barna Group, 21% of Christian men say they have thought they were “addicted” to porn or said they weren’t sure. This is more than two times what non-Christian men said (10%). Interestingly, 64% of Christian men say they view porn at least once a month,…

Blog Post

Why the Church Must Be a No-Shame Zone

When I found out about Craig’s porn addiction, the last place I thought of calling for help was our church. First of all, I wasn’t prepared to ask anyone for help. If anything, I thought Craig should be the one asking. That is, if he couldn’t kick it on his…

Blog Post

Finding Recovery Difficult? Imagine What Your Partner Is Feeling

Daniel stormed about the office, complaining about his porn recovery schedule: “This is too overwhelming for me. She knows what my work schedule is like and how demanding my job is… yet, she and you still expect me to do all this recovery work. Well, I am telling you, all…

Blog Post

Resources for Women Who Struggle With Porn

Ever since we launched our blog in 2008, we have been addressing the pressing issue of a woman’s struggle with pornography. Below are some of our best, most-popular resources and our recommendations for women caught in this struggle. Articles for Women How Does It Feel to Be a Woman Addicted to Porn? by…

Blog Post

What Defines You? Richard’s Story

What’s up, freedom seekers! I am Richard, a 43-year-old man, just married, and father of four amazing kids. Here’s my question: What defines you? The 30-Year Nightmare I became enslaved to porn when I was 11 years old. I was introduced to sex at age 5. You see, I’m a…

Blog Post

Porn: All Bad, All the Time

Growing up, I never once looked at porn. I didn’t even “stumble” across it, even to this very day at 24 years old. So, you’re probably wondering why I, a woman who has never once seen porn, am writing about that very thing. It took me a while to understand…

Blog Post

Should Married Couples Fast From Sex During Porn-Detox?

A 90 day sexual fast. That’s right, almost three months of abstinence from sex. This is what many porn addiction counselors prescribe for addicts and their spouses during the initial months of recovery. Why is this? Is this really necessary? Dr. Mark Laaser was a nationally recognized author in the…