Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Why do I feel shame from watching porn?

After helping people quit porn for more than 20 years, we know there’s a strong connection between porn and shame. Most research psychologists and sociologists recognize this connection. However, many still debate which comes first. Does feeling shame about porn cause people to consider it an addiction? Or does porn…

Blog Post

Jeffrey Toobin’s “Embarrassingly Stupid Mistake”

High-profile legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin shocked the world this past week, as news emerged that he had been caught masturbating on a work-related Zoom call. According to the New York Times, Toobin had started a second Zoom call for a sexual encounter but neglected to turn off his other call,…

Blog Post

A Woman’s Addiction to Porn: Amy’s Message of Hope

Amy started watching porn with her boyfriend when she was 20 years old. Over time she started to notice her attraction to the women on screen, and this began to influence how she saw women around her. After that relationship ended, she put pornography behind her…for a time. Years later…

Blog Post

Porn’s Devastating Impact on Christian Leadership

In 2021, Barna found that 38% of pastors had thought about quitting the ministry. Certainly, the difficulty of leading a church in the COVID era was a major factor in these results. The overall trends of church attendance and secularization in our culture can be discouraging for leaders. However, there’s…

Blog Post

5 Warning Signs You’re Addicted to Porn

Many men who contact me for help in overcoming pornography use question whether or not they really have an addiction to porn. Some simply don’t want to believe they could actually be addicted to the stuff. Others inquire because they know they have a problem and want to assess the…