Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

How to Stop Watching Porn: 6 Essential Steps to Quit

How do you stop watching porn? For some, pornography might seem like a harmless pastime, a not-too-serious guilty pleasure, or an embarrassing habit. But maybe you’re one of the many who have realized the devastating effects that porn has on your life and relationships. Maybe you feel trapped and like you can’t stop. If you’re…

Blog Post

Helping Pastors and Their Churches with Pornography Temptations

Pornography is affecting the church in major ways, even ministers and other leaders. In 2005, 57% of pastors surveyed said addiction to pornography is the most sexually damaging issue to their congregation. In 2006, a survey reported 50% of all Christian men and 20% of all Christian women are addicted…

Blog Post

Husbands Who Watch Porn (Part 2) – Wives, you are not alone

Many thanks to the men and women who responded to my blog post, Husbands Who Watch Porn.  I’ve been interacting more and more with people and hearing more testimonies from couples who have experienced marital difficulties because of the problems associated with pornography use.  I wanted to pass along some…

Blog Post

How Pain Leads to Porn

Porn was Dan’s anesthetic, numbing his wounds and relieving the ache of unmet desires. As a skinny kid who felt unattractive, Dan Wobschall’s gaze would fall to the floor or maybe to his shoes when he tried to talk to a girl. He felt inadequate, and the bullies who used…

Blog Post

“Women Just Don’t Have a Porn Problem”

“Addiction begins where dalliance becomes disease. It can happen to anyone.” –Sandy Swenson Porn does not discriminate. Jesus-freak or atheist. Male or female. Prosperous or poor. On any given Sunday, chances are there’s a porn addict in the pew desperate for help. Women Addicted to Porn? Within large, evangelical churches…


Creating a Landing Page

Some of our most successful affiliates host their own pages on their websites to describe why they recommend Covenant Eyes. Rather than simply linking to our homepage, tell your followers why they need Screen Accountability™. Your advice will lead them to make an informed decision more quickly. Tips for Creating…

Last Updated: February 6, 2024

Blog Post

3 Simple Steps Church Leaders Can Take to Fight Porn

It was 2001 and I was introduced to porn for the second time in my life. The first was at a bachelorette party, but I thought the whole thing a bit ridiculous, so it didn’t phase me much. The second time, however, was on our home computer. I stumbled upon…

Blog Post

Podcast: The Power of Porn

The following is an mp3 of Gene McConnell’s talk “The Power of Porn,” given over six years ago at Ohio State University. McConnell is a gifted and frank communicator who tells his heartbreaking story about the power of porn in his own life. You’ll hear about his first exposure to…

Blog Post

Pastors, Wives in Your Church Want You to Talk About This

Sin in your church? What? Hope I didn’t burst your bubble. The church is filled with imperfect people who commit sin. I’ve searched for a perfect church and am yet to find one. Besides, if I did, the minute I walk in the perfection leaves the building. Sorry to break…