Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Help Me Conquer Porn Addiction: 3 Ways to Walk in the Spirit

The following is an excerpt from our free e-book, Your Brain on Porn: 5 proven ways pornography warps your mind and 3 biblical ways to renew it. For those who have been entrenched in pornography, how do we reverse its mind-warping effects? How do we renew our minds (Rom. 12:1-2)? The…

Blog Post

Help, I Think My Husband is Addicted To Porn

I’m sorry you are facing your husband’s porn addiction. You may be devastated and feel betrayed. You could be angry, or maybe just confused. You’re not alone. Every day, thousands of people come to our website looking for help, and many of them are wives just like you. We received…

Blog Post

5 Horrible Ways to Tell Your Wife About Your Porn Addiction

If you’re reading this, then you’ve probably wrestled with this question many times before: “How do I tell my wife?” When you couldn’t come up with a good answer, you waited. She still doesn’t know. Your attachment to porn is getting worse. When she finds out, it will only hurt…

Blog Post

Your Addiction Should Not Define You

When I first meet a man struggling with porn addiction, he often uses the following introduction: “Hi, I am Ted Smith, and I am a porn addict.” First adopted by Alcoholics Anonymous, addiction groups universally utilize the fill-in-the-blank addict label. I hate it. The “Porn Addict” Label and Shame There…

Blog Post

5 Tips to Remember When Helping Someone Quit Porn

How do you help someone with a porn addiction? Twenty years ago, you probably heard of someone who had a porn problem. Today, you know someone with a porn problem. In 2015, nearly 4.5 billion hours of porn were watched worldwide.1 Porn is at least a 12 billion dollar industry…

Blog Post

Dirty Girls: Are you a woman addicted to porn?

What is Dirty Girls? Dirty Girls is a book that will discuss the widespread (yet silent) battle women are facing with pornography addiction. Surveys are being conducted at For women presently addicted to pornography For women who have overcome a pornography addiction And for friends, family and accountability partners…

Blog Post

When Love Has to Get Tough: 5 Steps for Wives of Porn Addicts

Sin is deadly, and unrepentant sin will kill a marriage. Regardless of the sin, whether “big” or “small” (from a human point of view), a spouse’s refusal to repent marks the beginning of the end of the marriage. However, there is hope. Like a cancer, if detected, identified, and treated,…

Blog Post

True Betrayal: Seminar Series for Wives of Porn Addicts (Steps 2 & 3)

All this week we are presenting segments from a special seminar for wives called “True Betrayal: Overcoming the Betrayal of Your Spouse’s Sexual Sin.” Each day’s video segments are about 50 minutes long. We hope this special series from The Summit Church will help you to find hope and healing…