Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

True Betrayal: Seminar Series for Wives of Porn Addicts (Steps 4, 5, & 6)

All this week we are presenting segments from a special seminar for wives called “True Betrayal: Overcoming the Betrayal of Your Spouse’s Sexual Sin.” Each day’s video segments are about 50 minutes long. We hope this special series from The Summit Church will help you to find hope and healing…

Blog Post

True Betrayal: Seminar Series for Wives of Porn Addicts (Steps 7, 8, & 9)

All this week we are presenting segments from a special seminar for wives called “True Betrayal: Overcoming the Betrayal of Your Spouse’s Sexual Sin.” Each day’s video segments are about 50 minutes long. We hope this special series from The Summit Church will help you to find hope and healing…

Blog Post

Film About Breaking the Silence Around Porn Addiction: Get It Now for 30% Off

Finally a visual tool to combat the visual assault of pornography on our families. Alan is a quiet, unpretentious bachelor with a dark obsession. After repeated encounters with pornography, he gradually finds himself immersed deeper and deeper in a surreal world where he is losing self-control. In front of his computer screen, he indulges…

Blog Post

Should I Tell My Wife the Truth About My Porn Addiction?

After his wife had caught him for the third time, Steve came into Heart to Heart Counseling Center and admitted he was trapped in a secret world of pornography and masturbation. In his first counseling session, one major question replayed in his mind. No, the question wasn’t, “How do I…

Blog Post

David’s Story of Child Porn Addiction: Facing 8 Years in Prison

The following is a guest post by David Chatham. He is in court today awaiting sentencing for possession of child pornography. . . . . Many people talk about the proverbial “knock on the door” as their wake-up call and introduction to recovery from pornography addiction. For me, the knock…

Blog Post

Your Sexy Plastic Brain: Porn addiction can’t be blamed on biology

The following is an edited excerpt from Chapter 1 of the free e-book The Porn Circuit: Understand Your Brain and Break Porn Habits in 90 Days. Believe it or not, men are not born ogling the boobs of big-breasted brunettes or blondes or whatever a man fancies. Nor were women…

Blog Post

Break Porn Addiction: 5 Lessons I Learned Along the Way

by James Tarring Cordrey Years ago my wife surprised me with a direct question about my use of pornography. What followed that question is known in our marriage as “The Confession.” The brutal truth of my long addiction came to light and a long, painful journey of healing began. As…

Blog Post

True Betrayal: Seminar Series for Wives of Porn Addicts (Step 1)

All this week we are presenting segments from a special seminar for wives called “True Betrayal: Overcoming the Betrayal of Your Spouse’s Sexual Sin.” Each day’s video segments are about 50 minutes long. We hope this special series from The Summit Church will help you to find hope and healing…