Search Results for: trafficking

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Expert Shares How Porn Feeds the Demand for Sex Trafficking Around the Globe

“Justice Week” on Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 111 [powerpress] All this week we are exploring the issue of sex trafficking, hearing the stories of ordinary people who are doing extraordinary things to combat this evil around the world. In the sex trafficking market, three important factors must be recognized:…

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Minnesota Passes a Groundbreaking Bill

Americans are becoming more and more educated on how pornography negatively impacts society. We are beginning to realize that it impacts real people. A driving force behind human trafficking is the belief that it’s okay to use people, and specifically to use people for sex. Pornography reinforces this belief. The…

Blog Post

Human Trafficking: Not Just a Third-World Issue

Recently, I’ve heard people using a phrase that goes something like this, “Oh, my refrigerator is so full I can’t close it, #firstworldproblem.” In other words, only certain parts of the world have certain issues. If I asked the average American to name three countries where slavery still exists today, chances…

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Trafficked into Porn

Episode 170 [powerpress] In her teen years, Anna Malika got involved with an older man who asked her to be part of his “art project” as a model. This quickly turned to degrading and violent sexual acts. Unbeknownst to her, degrading photos of her were mass-produced and sold to others.…

Blog Post

4 Reasons You Should Be An Abolitionist

“Human trafficking is the world’s fastest growing criminal enterprise and is an estimated $32 billion-a-year global industry” (California DOJ). The numbers are devastating. More than 27 million people spend every day as modern-day slaves, 2 million of which are children. Many of the children and adults are victims of sex trafficking.…

Blog Post

10 Ways to Oppose Sexual Exploitation

by Anny Lee and Christie Arnold Engagement begins with the heart.  Until we are rooted in a lifestyle of prayer, understanding, and resolve, our engagement will be short-lived, ineffectual, or both. Once we are grounded in a pursuit of purity and justice, however, every one of us can have an…

Blog Post

Pure Justice: Connecting Pornography to Sex Trafficking

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 80 [display_podcast] “A true pursuit of justice necessarily starts with a pursuit of personal purity” – Noel Bouché Today I am interviewing Noel Bouché, Vice President of pureHOPE (formerly known as the National Coalition for the Protection of Children and Families). Noel oversees the development…

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Books about the Sex Slave Trade

Our friends at pureHOPE helped us put together a great reading list for those who are interested in how the issue of pornography intersects with the national and global crisis of sex trafficking. Below are some excellent books that explore these ideas in depth. Renting Lacy: A Story of America’s…

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Pornography and Sex Trafficking: A Discussion With Dawn Hawkins

Who is affected by sex trafficking? When we think about sex trafficking—if we do at all—it’s usually as something that happens to “other people.” You might read about sex trafficking in the news, but it usually takes place in some distant location. Dawn Hawkins warns that sex trafficking occurs much…

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Sex, Smut, and Slavery: One film unpacks it all

Nate was a pastor with dark a secret. Porn had been his secret obsession for years. But fantasy gave way to reality one night when he was on his way to lead a Christmas Eve candlelight service at his church. Standing on the street he saw a young woman in…