Search Results for: porn addicts


Day 28: Destroy Porn Addiction By Destroying Shame

Is destroying porn addiction possible? For many men and women, this habit runs so deep, our personal vows to stop seem worthless to us anymore. The Bible sees a vital link between sexual sin and social shame. The apostle Paul said those whose lives are marked by sexual immorality and…

Last Updated: January 20, 2021

Blog Post

Porn Addict Confessions:

Mr. Hyde Comes Out of Hiding   I recently finished watching Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, a silent film made nearly 90 years ago. This film has been described, rightly or wrongly, as the first American horror film. I found the movie quite disturbing, not because it was particularly scary,…


Day 7: Brain Chemicals and Porn Addiction

Day 7: Brain Chemicals and Porn Addiction In 2004, Dr. Judith Reisman has called porn an “erototoxin,” theorizing that the brain itself might be damaged while watching porn. She speculated that future brain studies would reveal that the surge of neurochemicals and hormones released when someone watches porn has measurably negative effects on…

Last Updated: March 27, 2024

Blog Post

What Is Porn Addiction?

If you’re looking to learn about porn addiction, this article is for you. In it, we’ll look at some of the controversies about porn addiction, some of the different terminology that’s used to understand it, as well as signs and steps for breaking free. Understanding Porn Addiction Pornography addiction, also…

Blog Post

Why Is Porn Addictive?

This post has been updated as of March 5, 2021. Editor’s note: Dr. Struthers (whose research has contributed greatly to this post) has done amazing work studying male porn addiction. We, however, want to recognize that women battle porn addiction as well! If that’s you, please see our resources for…

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Snapshot of My Porn Addiction

A couple weeks ago I was interviewed by the good folks at FeedTheRightWolf, a site dedicated to passing along resources for overcoming pornography addiction. Thought I would pass it along for our readers here as well. Q: What was your life like before you realized that you had porn addiction?…

Blog Post

Breaking Free of Porn Addiction

Dr. Kevin Skinner’s new book, Treating Pornography Addiction, has been helping countless people overcome their struggles with pornography. Dr. Skinner recently interviewed me on his Internet radio show, “Pornography As I See It.” On this show we discussed: My personal story of porn addiction (listen to 5 minute clip) How…

Blog Post

Is This Porn-Addiction Thing for Real?

Recently we received a comment from someone who wanted to know if there were any credible peer-reviewed journals that were dealing squarely with the subject of pornography addiction. Because porn addiction is not officially classified in the DSM, we get questions from time to time about how widespread this issue…

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Music for the Porn Addict’s Soul

The moment she was born Her mommy and daddy cried Taken by the wonder of life From Barbie dolls to ballet shoes From roller skates to lipstick and rouge She’s become a lady overnight Why do I see only flesh and look right past her heart I try to tell…

Blog Post

Priceless Promises for Porn Addicts

Episode 146 [powerpress] Often, accountability partners simply don’t know how to encourage and guide those who struggle with pornography. One of the best ways Christian accountability partners can help each other is to engage around the Word of God. According to research from the Center for Bible Engagement, routine accountability…