Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

7 Questions Wives of Porn Addicts Often Ask (Part 3 of 3)

Ella Hutchinson specializes in counseling wives of sex addicts. In this 3-part blog series, she looks at common questions these wives ask. (Go back to read Part 1 or Part 2 of the series.) #7: Is there hope? Can a man like this change? Recovery from sexual addiction is very…

Blog Post

Don Jon’s Religion: Why the Church Often Fails to Help Porn Addicts

Recently I had the opportunity to see a pre-release of Don Jon, Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s writing and directorial debut about a young man whose porn use interferes with his relationships. While many Christians in particular would consider the movie to be highly inappropriate (see this post for full details), there were…

Blog Post

What is Porn Addiction? – Brain Scientist Tackles a Tough Question

In this interview, Dr. William Struthers talks about what exactly porn addiction is. 1. You can be a non-addict and still be an unhealthy user. As with any kind of substance or activity—whether it be drugs, alcohol, or gambling—you may not be addicted to these, but you can still manifest…