Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

FAQ Friday: “Why do you charge for your software?”

Covenant Eyes has been providing accountability software for over two decades now. Early on we learned that the more people discovered the temptations of pornography on their devices, the more a service like ours was in high demand. Our business was founded on Christian principles of accountability, and the majority…

Blog Post

“The Youth Pastor Did What?!” Talking About Porn in Church

Growing up, I was fortunate to have pastors who were not afraid to mention the word “porn” or address the issue of sexual integrity head-on. This led to a safe environment in which I was able to confess my sins of using pornography as a high school student to my…

Blog Post

What You See Is What You Get: Acting Out Porn in the Bedroom

While scrolling my Facebook newsfeed, I came across a status update from a woman that read “I like porn!” Curious to read the comments to this bold statement, I quickly clicked the post and to my surprise, there were absolutely no comments. No “me too,” no “TMI,” not even a…

Blog Post

The Cycle of Addiction

by Kris White I walked into a Starbucks the other day, groggy and ready for hot brew. The usual background music littered the place, seeming to float on the heavy aroma of steaming hot coffee. The barista prepared my cappuccino as precisely as yesterday and the day before. Set for…

Blog Post

Faith and Porn: Jonathan’s Story

To explain my struggle against this sin is to, in essence, describe my faith journey as a whole. So, let’s start there. I was raised in a Christian home, albeit one that didn’t actively have the Holy Spirit influencing it. My first memories don’t involve my father; my mum split…

Blog Post

What Does Accountability Look Like for Pastors?

In the fall of 1948, a lanky 30 year old evangelist who called himself “Billy” pondered the amazing successes he was experiencing and began to pray for wisdom: how could he avoid the dangerous traps into which he had seen other evangelists stumble? He gathered his closest associates at a…

Last Updated: November 4, 2020 Jim Rose

Blog Post

8 Encouragements For Those Doing Better with Sexual Purity

Some of you are doing better in your purity journeys. This article is for you.  To those who have experienced some victory in sexual purity: There are plenty of times where we fail, fall, and falter in sexual addiction recovery. We take enough steps backward, and too many times we…