Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

5 Things to Do About #MeToo

Scrolling through my Facebook feed earlier this week, every other post resounded with #metoo. If you haven’t seen it, you may be asking, “Me too, what?” There are now variations of the original post, but here is the gist: “If all the women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted…

Blog Post

A Partnership With The Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe

While Covenant Eyes is based in Owosso, Michigan, it has a global impact. We saw this once again when Nicola Sperenza, the General Secretary and Benedicte Colin, Policy Manager for the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (FAFCE), contacted Covenant Eyes to find ways to collaborate and partner to…

Blog Post

The Journey to Conquer Pornography

I am an elite-level skateboarder who has been in the sport for fifteen years. I was raised in a Christian household, the eldest in my family, the adventurist, and the thrill seeker. My battle with porn started very abruptly in my sophomore year of high school, and at the time,…

Blog Post

What Your Sexual Fantasies (Might) Say About You | Part 2

The evangelical community’s preoccupation with combatting lust has over-simplified and trivialized a far more complex issue within human sexuality. We exert tremendous effort attempting to stop our sexual fantasies, but neglect the critical task of understanding what these fantasies might be communicating. Efforts to eliminate lust set us up to…

Blog Post

Is Masturbating Bad For You?

Is masturbation healthy? While no one ever masturbated while fantasizing about reducing the risks of prostate cancer, there is a common idea that masturbation is good for your health. Some have even suggested that stopping masturbating might increase certain health risks in men. For instance, Anthony Santella and Spring Cooper, two lecturers…

Blog Post

3 Important Questions To Achieve Real Life Change

Life Change. It’s a fact. None of us ever stays the same. We are either moving forward or backward.  Either progressing in our move toward being more like Christ, or regressing. Either walking away from porn, or toward it. The Bible sets it up very simply for us in Romans 12:2.…

Blog Post

Scholarship Winner: A Story of Victory Over Porn

This story is the winner of the 2021 Kenneth Bowen scholarship. Each year Covenant Eyes awards thousands of scholarship dollars to students who demonstrate a desire to live free of porn. Under the Divine Gaze Six years. That is how old I was at my first exposure to pornography. I can…

Blog Post

Where to Find the Greatest Source of Comfort

For we do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, of our trouble which came to us in Asia: that we were burdened beyond measure, above strength, so that we despaired even of life.  Yes, we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves…

Blog Post

The Dark Side of the Brain

Every Christmas, Andrea and I have the same discussion about where to place the Star Wars ornaments on the Christmas tree. I have a decent-sized collection, and early in our marriage, I even had a separate, small, artificial tree I used just for the Star Wars collection. My mother-in-law worked…