Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

The Impact of Pornography on Women

Social Science Findings and Clinical Observations Over the last several years, I’ve grown quite an appreciation for the work of Dr. Jill Manning. Dr. Manning is a licensed marital and family therapist who has worked with the Heritage Foundation researching the subject of pornography’s impact on society and family. In…

Blog Post

How does Lent call us to “behave” as Christians?

Remember when you would misbehave as a kid? Maybe you were jumping on your parents’ bed. Maybe you took all of the marshmallows out of the brand new box of SuperSugarBlast cereal. Perhaps you were too loud, too lazy, or too mean to your siblings on the drive to your…

Blog Post

How Facebook Got Hacked and 6 Steps to Protect Your Account

With images of porn and gore flooding onto millions of unsuspecting Facebook users pages early this week, many users of the world’s largest online social network were left irritated and wary of future hacks. The cyber attack on Facebook began Tuesday, November 15, with images of extreme violence, hardcore porn,…

Blog Post

From Slavery to Sonship: How the Porn Prodigal Came Home

The following is an excerpt adapted from my book, Delivered: True Stories of Men and Women Who Turned from Porn to Purity. The excerpt is by Joe McClain. There was a man who had two sons; and the younger of them said to his father, “Father, give me the share of property that…

Blog Post

The Process of Quitting Porn: Perspectives on Willpower 5

So far, the perspectives we’ve examined in this series have each focused on one particular aspect of willpower: willpower itself, as a resource. There’s the relationship between your goals and willpower. We’ve considered the role of feedback with cybernetic control, and we’ve looked at how values inform decision-making. Now, we…

Blog Post

How Gratitude Can Supercharge Your Fight Against Porn

“Let’s go around the table and say something we’re thankful for” is a clichéd Thanksgiving tradition. But this simple exercise may be more important than you realize—especially if you’re fighting the temptation to look at porn. New research is shedding light on what the Bible revealed almost 2000 years ago:…

Blog Post

Turning Your Values into Online Values (and teaching kids to do the same)

Over the last few years, there has been a growing trend of parents who punish their kids online after they have misbehaved online. Sometimes these punishments have been fairly lighthearted, like the parents who grounded their child from Facebook and posted silly pictures of themselves on her account. Others were…

Blog Post

Pentecost Sunday and the Power to Overcome Porn

Updated May 2021.  We have a great time of celebration this weekend, and it has everything to do with the Holy Spirit. Yes, Pentecost is finally here! On Pentecost Sunday, we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit, the culmination of the Easter season and the birthday of the Church. We remember…

Blog Post

6 Marks of Biblical Modesty: How God Brings Sexy Back

What does the Bible say about modesty? Modesty is a controversial topic, especially when you throw God into the mix. Does God really care about what we wear? Modesty is notoriously challenging to define, as is pornography. See What the Bible Says About Pornography (Without Using That Word). But as…

Blog Post

Porn: A Weak Link On Your Character Chain

You’ve heard the saying “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” Depending on the strength of the links, the force needed to break it could be large or small. If every link can withstand a strong force before it breaks, the chain is strong. But, if just…