Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

13 Ways Porn Will Ruin Your Life Before You Realize It

Pornography is a killer. Whether it is viewed sporadically or our indulgences are a daily (or hourly) occurrence, it will within time prove to be the death of all that is good. We are often blinded to this reality because we typically do not experience consequences over night. The repercussions…

Last Updated: January 30, 2023 Emma Joy

Blog Post

4 Ways to Cultivate Empathy with Your Spouse

Dear betrayed spouse, I hate to break this to you, but somewhere along the journey very well-meaning people will give you their well-meaning advice. Just be prepared. They will tell you not to pull away. They will tell you to stay emotionally available to the spouse that hurt you. They will even tell…

Blog Post

License to Lust: How Porn Trains Objectification

What is a woman? Is she a collection of body parts? Is she made of plastic? Or is she a whole person with a soul, full of all the things that make a person human: strengths, weaknesses, quirks, fears, insecurities, anxieties, vulnerabilities, likes, dislikes, hopes, and dreams? The answer is…

Blog Post

Learning to Flee: Breaking the Hold of Desire for Porn

“Flee from youthful passions, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. But reject foolish and ignorant disputes, because you know that they breed quarrels. The Lord’s servant must not quarrel, but must be gentle to everyone, able to…

Blog Post

Godly UNmarried Sexuality (Part 1) – What Porn Doesn’t Provide

Many unmarried people struggle with abstinence and wrestle with God-given desires for intimate relationships and sexual expression. In the wrestling, some are drawn to the temporary pleasures of pornography. The world of porn-viewing offers an illusion of intimate connection and it does stir and lead to satisfaction of sexual urges,…

Blog Post

The Importance of Accountability

Is accountability powerful enough to help change a heart? Sixteen years ago, Covenant Eyes was founded by two individuals on the simple premise that it is, and today the company has a team of over 150 people who base their work and livelihood on this very idea. We believe in the importance of accountability…

Blog Post

5 Things Your Teen Must Hear You Say about Porn

Unfortunately, too many teens today are getting their ideas about sex from porn—the worst kind of sex ed a child can get. For most, porn starts with curiosity, but for many it doesn’t stop with a few explorations. More than 9 out of 10 boys and more than 6 out of…

Blog Post

Forgiveness vs. Trust: Why Knowing the Difference is Essential

The first 8 years of Troy and Melissa’s marriage were horrible because of Troy’s sexual addiction. As God healed them—Troy from his addiction and Melissa from betrayal trauma—they developed a passion for helping other couples. From this, their ministry, HopeQuest, was born. Troy and Melissa recently sat down with our…

Blog Post

My Sin Owned Me

I have long struggled with lust, first giving in to pornography as a 6th grader. As I approach my junior year of college, I see the destruction that my addiction has caused and the further hurt it may cause. How can a young man keep his ways pure? By hiding…

Blog Post

Sex Slaves Next Door: former victim speaks out

“Justice Week” on Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 114 [powerpress] All this week we are exploring the issue of sex trafficking, hearing the stories of ordinary people who are doing extraordinary things to combat this evil around the world. When Theresa Flores was 15 years old, she was drugged and…