Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Change Is Starting With Us: Hilton Hotel Cancels a Porn Expo

Social change sweeps across the country carried by private citizens standing up. Study any monumental social movement and you will find that it did not start in Washington. Effective social movements begin with a group among the public that persuades others to agree with them and take action. Think large…

Blog Post

Porn and the Elephant

Recently, some front-line workers who fight against pornography addictions have noticed how some unique factors, which are seemingly disconnected from porn, have helped contribute to successfully quitting porn. Two people stand out. The first is Jay Stringer, a licensed mental health counselor, ordained minister, and frequent Covenant Eyes blog contributor.…

Blog Post

The Real Answer to “Do All Men Watch Porn?”

You’ve been lied to. But you’re in good company. In fact, we’ve all been lied to. We’ve been told that all men watch porn, and most of us have never researched whether that is true. Worse, we can use that unfounded statement as an excuse to justify our own behavior…

Blog Post

A 21-Day Detox from Porn: Jack’s Story

Jack P. is a management consultant, financial executive, and historian residing on the East Coast. He is active in the pro-life movement, the United States Naval affairs, and is an avid outdoorsman. I had no real habitual issues with porn until after my wife died a few years ago.  I…

Blog Post

6 Habits Your Kids Need to Build Right Now

Growing up in today’s culture requires building habits from a young age that, when practiced, will sustain and equip kids to face the pressures, traps, and lures of a society that has lost its fear and concept of God—a society, in fact, that promotes a worldview in which any idea,…

Last Updated: October 26, 2020 Emma Joy

Blog Post

Helping Your Teen Daughter Who Struggles With Porn

If there ever was a time in our culture when porn was an exclusively male habit, that time is long gone. It is common for women to view porn. About a quarter of young girls, on at least one occasion, will spend 30 consecutive minutes or more viewing pornography online.…

Blog Post

Friends, Coworkers, and Allies: Kody and Ben’s Story

Kody and Ben have been friends for almost 10 years. They have what most would call a “normal” friendship—hanging out on the weekends, walking through life’s challenges together, and even working at the same company! But, here’s one other thing about Kody and Ben’s friendship that you might not expect:…

Blog Post

To Quit Porn, You Must First Scratch the Record

The bathroom door was locked, and he knew that he had a good fifteen minutes before anyone would knock. He went into his normal routine. A Google search that brought him closer to the edge before he would dive into the hardcore videos that were calling his name. The clock…

Blog Post

Jacob’s Story: From Shame and Despair to Freedom in Christ

My freedom story has been filled with shortcomings, failures, and disappointments. Porn was a part of my life for so many years. Time and time again, I swore that I was going to change. “This is the last time, and then tomorrow I’ll stop forever.” It was an all-too-common statement…

Blog Post

How do you talk to children about porn?

Dr. William Struthers, a neuroscientist, gives some advice to parents about how to talk to kids about pornography. It isn’t about having “the talk” as much as it is about having consistent, ongoing conversations about how to think rightly about sexuality. Teens and Porn: 10 Stats You Need to Know…