Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

The Smutty Professors: What Parents Need to Know About “Sex Weeks”

Warning: The following article contains sexually graphic information. Reader discretion is advised. When parents of students at the University of Tennessee forked over $11,000 for the first year of college tuition, they probably weren’t thinking that their child would get a first-class education in how to masturbate. Just last week…

Blog Post

Breaking the Hold of Sin

I spend a good portion of my day reading thoughts from people who are caught in habitual sin. Many can’t seem to break free from the grip of pornography. Others wouldn’t call themselves “addicts,” but they are faced with the temptation to view porn on a regular basis: it is…

Blog Post

Why Watching Porn Won’t Fix My Marriage

I think we will start off by stating the obvious. If you are desiring to watch porn to fix your marriage, that means there is something that needs to be fixed. Using porn to fix it points to the assumption that the bedroom is where you may be having problems.…

Blog Post

3 Reasons the Devil Didn’t Make You Do It

“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors.” –Rom. 8:37 “The Devil made me do it!” We’ve all heard it, but why do I do what I do? Isn’t that the question of all ages, “Why did I do that?” Sometimes we can’t even answer that question! So if…

Blog Post

Unleash Your Inner Hero

What is it about superheroes that we love so much? Is it the colorful costumes, or maybe their cool names? Is it all the cool gadgets that we can only wish were real? Maybe, but I don’t think so. I think part of what attracts us to superheroes is their…

Blog Post

Pride and Porn: The Risk of Overestimating Your Willpower

These days, we’re often told to believe in ourselves, build our self-esteem, and take pride in our abilities and accomplishments. But this pride might be what undermines our ability to deal with deeply ingrained struggles—like porn. In a 2009 article for Psychological Science, behavioral scientists Nordgren, van Harreveld, and van…

Blog Post

An Open Letter to My Future Husband

Dear Future Husband, Where are you? I’ve waited a long time for you to appear. Most of my friends have already found love, but I’m still waiting for you. A decade ago I caught the bouquet in a wedding—in fact it more or less fell in my hands—and since then I’ve…

Blog Post

Porn Song

About 8 years ago Project 86 released the song PS on their album Drawing Black Lines.  According to my sources, PS stands for “Porn Song,” and gives a candid look at someone caught in their addiction. I’ve posted the lyrics below, and for your listening pleasure, a Youtube video featuring…

Blog Post

Jesus Saved My Life: Robert Clifton’s Story

Not everyone who professes to be a Christian is really a Christian. That described me. I was raised by Christian parents who took me to church. I was taught right from wrong and knew many things from the Bible. At age eight I asked Jesus into my heart, walked an aisle, joined…

Blog Post

Straight Talk to Husbands Who Watch Porn

Shelli remembers well the day her husband John called her up to confess his secret obsession with pornography. Years of guilt, shame, and wasted time had finally taken its toll on John, and the emotional dam broke. He knew he needed to tell his wife the truth. “It took me…