Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

5 Steps to Implement Safe Haven Sunday in Your Parish

Regardless of the size of a parish, the role of the parish priest and his leadership team is essentially the same: the salvation of souls. This is the sole reason for the Incarnation, Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord. And we as leaders of the Church are on a…

Blog Post

Elizabeth Smart and the Hell of Pornography

Maybe you’ve seen the video by now. On August 19, 2016, Fight the New Drug released an exclusive interview with Elizabeth Smart, now 28, with new details about the horrors of her 2002 kidnapping. On the night of June 5, 2002, Elizabeth, then age 14, was sleeping next to her…

Blog Post

If I Could Get Porn Out of My Life, Anyone Can: Ken Anderson’s Story

I’ve always struggled with feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, and anxiety. In high school, I also began struggling with depression, which eventually led to a breakdown at age 34. I say this to paint the picture of someone who was struggling deeply but didn’t know how to deal with all the…

Blog Post

Why Dump Porn Before You Date

If you’re one of the unmarried blokes or blokettes here at Covenant Eyes, you may not have paid any attention to the  “Rebuild Your Marriage” section of this blog, but I urge you to take note, because these posts written to the married peeps will open your eyes to how…

Blog Post

Why Accountability? – Part 1

Recently, I explained the idea behind Covenant Eyes accountability software. The response I received was “That’s creepy.” This is a typical response. The idea of a detailed Internet-usage report being sent to designated accountability partners sounds like a subplot from 1984. Big Brother is watching you. What benefit does accountability…

Blog Post

The NSA knows what your kids are doing online. Do you?

Dark deeds thrive in secrecy. The National Security Agency knows it, but do parents? The Online Disinhibition Effect is the concept that secrecy removes your inhibitions, making a person more likely to engage anonymously in questionable activities online. It’s the belief that it’s okay to say or do harmful things…

Blog Post

Is Porn a Problem in the Church?: Intro to the Cycle of Porn Series

In today’s digital world, hundreds of thousands of men and women—even Christian men and women—struggle with pornography. A survey was done just last year and nearly two thirds of self-identified Christian men said they watch porn at least once a month, most of them a lot more than that. In…

Blog Post

The Problem With “Mommy Porn”

Traditionally, we have often thought of pornography as a struggle for men. However, studies like those conducted by Covenant Eyes show that porn use among women is rapidly increasing, particularly among younger females. While some women get pulled in to pornography simply through seeing graphic sexual images, many more are…

Blog Post

Shame-Killing Churches: A Vision of Real Accountability

The following is adapted from chapter 11 of Porn Free Church: Raising up gospel communities to destroy secret sins. Accountability and authentic community among men is vital for the health of the families that make up our congregations. While we can readily agree on what is important and what our goals…