Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

5 Common Myths About Your Friend’s Struggle With Porn

As we talk about myths, let’s understand what many myths are—truths exaggerated beyond accuracy. For a statement to be repeated frequently enough to merit the title “myth,” there has to be a kernel of truth in it. A myth is usually not an irrational statement. People don’t like to repeat…

Blog Post

Ben’s Story: How Accountability Changes Everything

His head was buried in his arms. His shoulders began to shake, and I heard muffled sobbing. Ben* was devastated. Powerless. Crushed. I had been sitting in Ben’s apartment for an hour. He had called me earlier in the evening, and I had rushed over, not sure what to expect.…

Blog Post

4 Sneaky Places That Normalize Porn Use for Kids

Younger kids access stuff out there that isn’t exactly 100% porn or isn’t so intense that it seems to be really bad. That leads them into thinking porn isn’t so bad and eventually looking at a lot of hardcore porn. – A 21-year-old student As the quote above indicates, we really…

Blog Post

It’s Possible: Our Kids Can Learn How to Use Media Wisely

Our children are growing up in a porn-filled world. Apps, commercials, movies and even kids’ shows point towards a world that values sexualization. Without the deliberate intervention of observant, engaged and informed parents, our kids run the risk of becoming another statistic. Some of the pressing questions we’ve received from…

Blog Post

Dear Woman: Use Your Story to Find Freedom from Porn

You’re trying to change. Really, you are. You’ve decided to quit using porn and stop engaging in the other unwanted sexual behaviors that often accompany it. You’ve gritted your teeth, clenched your fists, and determined to try harder. You might have even put Covenant Eyes on all of your devices.…

Blog Post

In Case of a Porn Relapse

“Great effort is required to arrest decay and restore vigor.” –Horace “Relapse” means “deterioration after a period of improvement.” It’s an enemy to avoid in addiction recovery, and a porn relapse can make life hard if it happens. But in the long run, people who successfully stay off porn aren’t…

Blog Post

Be Informed. Be Brave: Parenting Kids in the Internet Age

Kids and teens are “digital natives.” Parents are usually not. Children are growing up online. Digital media is the air they breathe. For example, 70% of America’s young people use the Internet daily. Teens spend an average of 31 hours a week online—that’s almost a full-time job. For many parents,…

Blog Post

“My Husband Watches Porn”: 3 Stages to Your Recovery

The following is an excerpt from Porn and Your Husband: A Recovery Guide for Wives. Anger. Mistrust. Loneliness. When your husband watches porn he has betrayed your trust. Maybe this is the first time you’ve caught him using pornography. Maybe you’ve caught him many times and have finally reached the…

Blog Post

I Thought I Was the Only Girl to Ever Struggle With This

The struggles I have had with pornography have been long and hard. It is a road that I have traveled since I was a young girl and something that has filled my life with so much shame. My struggle started with curiosity, like most do. As a young girl who…