Search Results for: porn addicts

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My Personal Purity Battle Plan: 28 Things I Try to Never Forget

I’ve learned the hard way that pornography addiction will never be broken unless there’s genuine biblical repentance, and I’ve also learned the hard way that genuine biblical repentance always requires radical life changes. To break the chains of pornography addiction, I had to go beyond the never-ending cycle of sin-guilt-shame-sorrow-confession-rededication-repeat.…

Blog Post

Undefiled – New Book on Redemption from Sexual Sin

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 45 [display_podcast] This week we are featuring a series of podcasts for pastors and other ministry professionals who are secretly struggling with pornography and other sexual temptations. Today we will hear from Dr. Harry Schaumburg, co-founder of Stone Gate Resources, a ministry that offers brief,…

Blog Post

How God’s Grace Sets Us Free from Porn

Christians often define “grace” as God’s unmerited favor. But we are told in Titus 2:11-14 that God’s grace actually “trains” us to be godly. How does God’s favor do this? More specifically, for those trapped in pornography addiction, how does grace train us to set porn aside and pursue a…

Blog Post

Be Aware: Porn Harms – How Is Pornography Linked to Sex Trafficking?

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 108 [powerpress] In this special series on Covenant Eyes Radio, we are addressing the harms caused by pornography. This week we are talking about the links between pornography and sex trafficking. What are the connections and why do they matter? Continuing from the last few…

Blog Post

iPads in Education: Porn’s Trojan Horse

Helping educators safely use iPads in the classroom and homeschool Instead of a big backpack overloaded with textbooks, many kids are walking home from school with something new: an iPad. The problem is, schools are doing little to prevent students from private browsing (a.k.a. “porn mode”), especially when they step…

Blog Post

10.5 Tricks to Make a New Habit Stick

We’re a little over halfway done with the year, which means that by now, over 80% of you who made a New Year’s resolution have long abandoned the road to [fill in the blank]. Wouldn’t it be great if we could simply program our brains and our bodies to achieve whatever…

Blog Post

Why I’m Sharing About My Masturbation Struggle

A little over 12 years ago I read an amazing book by Joshua Harris called Not Even a Hint. The title was based off Ephesians 5:3, which reads, “But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality…” (NIV). In the book, Harris opened up about his previous struggle with masturbation.…

Blog Post

Trapped in a Vicious Cycle of Impurity

Why can it be so difficult to overcome our temptations, stop our intake of perversity through forms of entertainment like music videos or pornography, and fully repent of acts like masturbation? I believe it is because too often we treat our sins of choice like they are a comfort and…

Blog Post

How to Trust People

After helping people overcome pornography for more than two decades, one thing has become clear: Defeating porn requires trustworthy relationships. Pornography develops a powerful grip on people that can’t be overcome in isolation. We need deep accountability relationships with people to walk with us on the journey. But there’s a…

Blog Post

Porn’s Impact on Aggressive Behavior

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 90 [powerpress] Today you are listening to my interview with Gene McConnell. Gene’s pornography addiction started at the age of 12. This continued for the next 17 years until finally he acted out in a way he never expected, attempting to rape a young woman.…