Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Porn Habit vs. Porn Addiction: Is There a Difference?

What’s the difference between being addicted to porn and merely having a porn habit? Habits are behaviors that have become automatic over time. Addiction involves a deeper change in your neurochemistry. Habits might be changed with enough motivation and willpower. Addiction keeps you trapped despite wanting to quit—and facing negative…

Blog Post

7 Questions Wives of Porn Addicts Often Ask

Sexual addiction, an umbrella term which includes pornography addiction, is likely the most harmful addiction when it comes to marriages. The reasons for this are numerous and include the shame associated with this addiction for both the addict and the spouse, the sense of betrayal, and stereotypes linked to the…

Blog Post

Unplugging from Porn: Wilderness Therapy for Porn Addiction

Episode 141 [powerpress] Some teens and youth are becoming so entrenched in pornography, they need a radical break from it. On today’s program we interview therapist Matt Bulkley, the Executive Director of STAR Guides, as wilderness therapy program for youth struggling with porn addiction. Show Notes: 0:43 – Matt talks…

Blog Post

10 Symptoms of Porn Addiction Withdrawal (And How to Manage Them)

On the daunting journey to overcome porn addiction, it’s common to experience withdrawal symptoms—some physical, some mental, and some emotional. It’s similar to how we experience withdrawal symptoms when giving up other things, like drugs, caffeine, sugar, etc. These porn withdrawal symptoms can make quitting incredibly difficult. If you want to…

Blog Post

Neuroscience Answers: Is porn addiction similar to drug addiction?

In this interview neuroscientist William Struthers talks about how porn addiction is a lot like drug addiction. Learn more about where this video came from: Visit The reason why drugs are addictive in the first place is because they activate the brain’s natural pleasure pathways. Using methamphetamines, for instance, releases…

Blog Post

Porn Addiction: Thoughts from the CCEF Conference

My wife and I recently returned from a conference put on by the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF). While we were there we got to hear from the who’s-who of Christian counselors—their presentations were like practical theology on steroids. It was both an informative and inspiring conference and I…

Blog Post

TD and Veronica Benton speak on porn addiction

Recently our friends TD and Veronica Benton were interviewed by XXXchurch about their story of porn addiction and recovery: What is White Collar Sideshow? Doug Van Pelt of Hard Music Magazine writes of them, “[T]he tag ‘band’ hardly fits them. This Vaudevillian outfit is closer to dynamic art exhibit in…

Blog Post

Porn Addiction Recovery: Paige’s Story of Freedom

The following is an essay written by Paige, one of our scholarship winners from last year. Paige is graduating from Biola University this spring (May 2015) with a Bachelor’s in Cinema & Media Arts, and is currently pursuing a full-time career as a recording artist in the music industry. This is one…

Blog Post

Porn Addiction Problems: Effects on Marriage (Infographic)

A survey taken among divorce lawyers found that 56% of divorce cases involve at least one party having an “obsessive interest in pornographic websites.” The more we know about the effects of pornography on the brain, this shouldn’t surprise us. Neuroscientists have shown us the chemicals and neurotransmitters that are activated when…