Search Results for: porn addicts

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An Open Letter to the Victims and Survivors of Human Trafficking

To every man, woman, and child sold into sexual slavery, Just a few years ago, I didn’t think twice about you. See, I’ve grown up living in a “bubble,” always protected by those around me, with not a single worry about where my next meal would come from. My friends…

Blog Post

The .XXX Domain: Online “Porn Ghetto” Soon to Open for Business

The .XXX domain will create a virtual “red light district.” The world is closer than ever before to the existence of an Internet “red light district” — the .XXX domain. This new top-level domain (like .COM or .ORG) is due to appear in early 2011. What does this mean for…


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Defeat Porn. Together. Covenant Eyes is designed to help you and those you love live free from pornography. Partner up toDefeat Porn The Covenant Eyes app tracks activity on your devices. The Victory app shares your activity feed right to your ally’s phone. Life-ChangingConversations Through meaningful conversations, your allies will…

Last Updated: March 21, 2024

Blog Post

What Should You Do if You’re a Dad Who Looks at Porn?

God arises. His enemies scatter, and those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke is blown away, so You blow them away. As wax melts before the fire, so the wicked are destroyed before God. But the righteous are glad; they rejoice before God and celebrate with joy. (Psalm…

Blog Post

Is It Possible to Find a Pure Man?

By Katie Wheeler Is finding a pure man hopeless in this generation? Does a woman have to compromise her ideals and desires because of today’s culture? These and other questions plague many women who are seeking a long-term commitment, one that might lead to marriage. The use of pornography has…

Blog Post

5 Proven Ways Pornography Warps Your Mind

The following is an excerpt from Your Brain on Porn: 5 Proven Ways Porn Warps Your Mind and 3 Biblical Ways to Renew It. Introduction: Porn is Everywhere “It seems so obvious,” says Damon Brown, a regular writer for Playboy. “If we invent a machine, the first thing we are…

Blog Post

Can Fathers in Sexual Sin Lead Their Children?

This post has been updated as of September 2020. King Solomon stands out as one of the premier sexual sinners of the Bible. He was richer than Warren Buffet, smarter than Albert Einstein, more spiritually influential than Billy Graham, and yet he had a harem bigger than Hugh Hefner’s. Solomon’s…

Blog Post

Faith Leaders: When We Blame Lust, We Intensify Sexual Sin

To be sure, lust is one of the most important contributing factors to sexual brokenness. But in our excessive focus on lust, we have lost sight of the other interrelated factor that drives sexual sin more than all the rest: anger. Despite the potential damage lust and anger cause, they…

Blog Post

Redeeming the Pain: Marnie’s Story

For 20 years, I thought I was the only one: the only woman, especially a supposedly Christian woman, who harbored shameful sexual secrets. I did everything I could to hide them and everything I could to continue in them. I juggled competing realities of an exhausting double life, and I…