Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Marge Simpson Appears on the Cover of Playboy

In an effort to attract “younger readers” Playboy’s newest edition features the cartoon mom from one of the longest running TV shows of all time—Marge Simpson. The cover of the magazine features a nude Marge, partially concealed by the infamous Playboy Bunny head, with the words “The Devil in Marge…

Blog Post

Can God Heal This? An Answer from the Wife of a Porn User

If you have discovered that your husband views pornography, you are probably deeply hurt. Most likely, you are crushed. If you’re like me, you feel hopeless, lost, and worthless. That’s how I felt three and a half years ago. That was when I discovered my husband of ten years was…

Blog Post

What Your Sexual Fantasies (Might) Say About You

For too long, the evangelical community has treated sexual fantasies and sexual struggles as something to condemn. Addressing sexual fantasies through the lens of abhorrent behavior intensifies shame and therefore deepens your involvement in the very behavior you wish to stop. There is another approach. It begins by listening to…

Blog Post

7 Things Female Porn Users Wish Their Pastors Understood

Hi. My name is Lisa, and I have a porn problem. Ironically, I’m probably the last person you’d think would have one. I’m a woman. I’m active at church. I’m single and still “saving myself for marriage.” I even work at Covenant Eyes. And, to be honest, by the grace…

Blog Post

4 Simple Ways to Open Your Child’s Heart

The first time I found out that my oldest child, Eric, was looking at pornography, I was absolutely shocked. I felt betrayed, angry, and overwhelmed. But perhaps my greatest emotion was shame. (Read our story in the article, “My Worst Mommy Moment and How It Totally Changed My Parenting.”) How could…

Blog Post

Legislation introduced in Utah declares porn a “public health crisis”

A resolution introduced in the Utah State Legislature on Friday seeks to declare pornography a “public health crisis” and urges education and policy-change to battle it. Covenant Eyes applauds Utah’s effort to recognize this growing health concern linked to many societal ills. “Designating pornography as a public health crisis accurately…

Blog Post

Feeling Trapped? 3 Action Steps to Overcome Temptation

The Apostle Paul screams out at the end of Romans 7,“Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?” Those words resonate with you, don’t they? He feels like he is a wretched man because he knows the good he should be doing, and…

Blog Post

When Your Husband is Addicted to Pornography (Interview with Vicki Tiede)

If your husband has betrayed your trust and his marriage vows by watching pornography, this can feel devastating. Vicki Tiede has written a wonderful book for women in this situation—born out of both her knowledge of the Bible and her personal experiences. When I spoke with her recently, she walked…