Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

For Parents Only: Sex Addiction Therapist Reveals Her Biggest Shock

Kindergarten. That’s where Cheryl’s son was first exposed to pornography. How could this happen? Cheryl [not her real name] had taken every precaution to prevent this. As a certified sex addiction therapist, she had a fierce determination to protect her son from pornography. Her home computer was protected by the…

Blog Post

3 Key Ingredients for a Wonderful Relationship with Your Kids

Parenting is a lifetime appointment. The fact that you are a parent remains regardless of your child’s age. However, the stages of parenting change as our children get older. Know What Parenting Stage You Are In Here’s how I title and describe those stages. 1. Instructor and Protector: In this role, our primary…

Blog Post

I Clicked on a Link

Living with integrity in this world is quite difficult because our culture is so against it, but as a Christian God has called me to be different, and striving for integrity plays a key role in that. It is so easy to fall into the temptation of pornography. Unfortunately, I…


How it Works

Porn Is a Human Problem,We Provide a Human Solution Covenant Eyes helps you and the ones you love live porn-free through transformative accountability relationships. Read on to learn how Covenant Eyes can work for you. BETTER. TOGETHER. It Starts With Relationships A lot of companies fighting porn start with technical solutions. They believe…

Last Updated: September 10, 2024

Blog Post

Accountability in Marriage: 6 Things to Know

Accountability plays a critical role in healthy marriages. However, it’s not always clear what that role should be. What is accountability in marriage, and how is it supposed to work? Should husbands and wives be accountable to one another? What does effective accountability in marriage look like? These are important…

Blog Post

Find a Porn-Free Hotel When You Travel

Hotels are popular places to watch pornography: Two-thirds of all pay-per-view profits in hotels are for porn. The average time a porn movie is watched in a hotel is about 12 minutes. In 2002 it was estimated that hotel porn brought in $500 million. Want to avoid the temptation of…

Blog Post

3 Ways to Safeguard Your Kids from Unseen Dangers

Have you ever wondered how to prepare your kids for handling unseen dangers, such as pornography, yet also preserve the innocence of childhood as best as possible? I believe that intentionally imparting wisdom to kids can help balance their naivety without having them grow up too fast. Learning prevention tools…

Blog Post

Fear of Vulnerability: An Intimacy Disorder or a Human Condition?

Last night as I watched one of my favorite TV shows I found myself doing something I know we all have done before. We’ve all yelled at the TV screen, saying something like, “Why don’t you just tell her?!” When a female character in my television show refused several marriage…

Blog Post

I Feel So Alone: Why You Need Community While Battling Addiction

I’d never felt so alone as the day my wife caught me in a nearly two-year-long online relationship and thirty-year tryst with pornography. The mess I found myself in was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. Who could I turn to? Who would understand and not further condemn me more than…

Blog Post

Trauma and Healing: With Dr. Mark McNear

Dr. Mark McNear is a licensed clinical social worker with a private practice in New Jersey. He’s also the author of the book Finding My Words: A Ruthless Commitment to Healing Gently After Trauma. Dr. McNear understands addiction firsthand and the way past wounds can influence the present. Our podcast…