Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

5 Reasons Purity Rings and Pledges Don’t Work

It might have been the most traumatizing day of my dramatic 13-year-old existence. My mom took me to the mall, and, only after walking into the department store, announced that she planned on buying me a purity ring. To me, she might as well have hijacked the PA system and…

Blog Post

5 Basics of an Effective Accountability Group

How many times have you asked someone to hold you accountable, only for them to do a lousy job? They might have thought that was what they wanted to do but had no clue how to do it. Plus, if it includes holding you accountable for your sexual purity, there…

Blog Post

How Did I Get Here: 3 Building Blocks of Compulsive Porn Use

Starting the journey away from pornography is like finding a position on a map. And to find out where you’re going on the map, you need to understand where you’ve come from. To move ahead, we need to look back. So often, we just want to move forward. We tell…

Blog Post

Anti-porn speaker charged with criminal sexual conduct

Pornography produces pain…and that suffering often multiplies. Such is the case of former porn producer Donny Pauling. He has become an anti-pornography activist and speaker since his conversion to Christianity about a year ago. But pornography leaves scars. On December 1, Donny was arrested and he faces three charges for…

Blog Post

If You Think You’re Alone In Your Struggle, You’re Wrong.

“Um, just so you know. I’m the one with the problem. I’m not calling because my husband or boyfriend has a problem. I’m the addict. Is the counselor comfortable talking to women?” “Yes, he talks to female clients all of the time,” the voice on the other end of the…

Blog Post

Is watching porn a sin?

Question: Is porn a sin? Answer: Yep. Answered. Done. Case closed. Shortest blog post ever. Except chances are good that it’s not a good enough answer for you. Maybe you’ve heard conflicting answers from people you trust and need help understanding the truth. Maybe you think it’s not hurting anyone,…

Blog Post

How a Dream About Sex Changed My Marriage

As a newly married couple, my husband and I were naturally active in the bedroom. So, you can imagine my surprise when four months later I found out he was struggling with masturbation. I was crushed. “We have sex like four times a week! How could you possibly need to…

Blog Post

4 Myths About Porn Use

“All men look at porn, so it’s no big deal.” “Sex is so much better if you look at porn.” “There’s no difference between porn and any other movie. It’s all just entertainment.” Maybe you’ve heard some of these statements. If you’re a wife, maybe you’ve even heard them from…

Blog Post

Is your accountability group doomed to fail?

For many years I met every Tuesday morning for breakfast with other men in a diner where we had a men’s accountability group. It was a failure. We had lots of breakfasts, and little to no accountability. I still maintain a friendship, a quite close one at that, with one…