Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Science Reveals 3 Reasons We All Need (Good) Mentors

If you’ve read Covenant Eyes’ articles before, you’ve probably heard about the need for accountability relationships. A good accountability partner is essential in our fight against porn. But accountability is really a sub-category of the larger concept of mentoring. In broadest terms, a mentor is a role model. Mentors influence…

Last Updated: November 3, 2020 Jim Rose

Blog Post

10 Keys to Victory Over Porn

Be Honest with God and Yourself Victory over porn begins when you quit lying to yourself and God. You have more than a problem with porn. You can’t stop watching it no matter how many promises you have made to God and yourself. It is time to be honest with God and…

Blog Post

Why Marital Sex Is Better Than Porn

The following is an excerpt from our free e-book, The Porn Circuit: Understand Your Brain and Break Porn Habits in 90 Days. The pornified brain sounds a lot like Mick Jagger; it can’t get no satisfaction. On the surface it sounds absurd. Pornography offers endless opportunities for arousal. If a…

Blog Post

The Chemicals of Internet Addiction

As a Christian counselor working with addictions of various kinds my number one priority when working with clients is to point them to Jesus Christ as their deliverer. I will also say, by way of context, that I believe all addictions and obsessions ultimately result from our fallen nature, inherited…

Blog Post

8 Tips to Run a Successful Internet Safety Workshop at Your School

Our children are growing up in a “pornified” culture. Not only have the faces of porn stars become recognizable in pop culture, but the faces of pop culture have begun to mimic pornography. From music videos to magazine covers, mass media continues to push the envelope, putting an erotic twist…

Blog Post

50 Things to Do Instead of Watching Porn

So you’re bored. Porn seems like a good way to fill time, right? Wrong. When you find yourself with nothing to do, it’s easy to turn to porn. Unfortunately, this only leads to false satisfaction and can further addiction.  To curb boredom before you’re even feeling it, I want to…

Blog Post

10 Seconds: A Film About Sex Slavery from Trafficking to Addiction

A man sits nervously in his car outside a house in a quiet suburban neighborhood. Inside that house, he knows, is an underground prostitution operation: women waiting for him if he would only knock on the door. If his wife, friends, and fellow church members knew where he was at…

Blog Post

Porn and Sexual Violence: 7 Important Facts

Does watching porn correlate with sexual violence? Yes, it does. Does it cause sexual violence? That depends. Decades of research testify to the close connection between pornography and sexual violence. And though the porn defenders adamantly insist there’s no causation, study after study points the finger at porn as a…

Blog Post

Lamar Odom: Why More Won’t Satisfy

Most boys, at one time in their lives, have a dream of playing professional sports, competing and winning at the Olympics, making more than $100 million, being famous, and having the approval of countless women. You’d think the story of Solomon would be enough for all of us to realize…