Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

How Porn Ruins Sex Drive

Repeatedly viewing pornography can have a discernible effect on sex drive. When we train our minds on virtual sexuality, it is easy to lose interest in the real thing with our wives. Research shows how porn ruins sex drive: French neuroscientist Serge Stoleru reports on how overexposure to erotic stimuli…

Blog Post

Are Teens Making Homemade Porn?

“Research reveals many systemic effects of Internet pornography that are undermining an already vulnerable culture of marriage and family. Even more disturbing is the fact that the first Internet generations have not reached full-maturity, so the upper-limits of this impact have yet to be realized.” – Jill Manning, Sociologist –…

Blog Post

Porn and the Epidemic of Loneliness

As a young college student, I received an opportunity to participate in a pastoral internship at an inner-city church in a neighboring state. After arrival and a brief orientation, I was left on my own to settle in. I had a few hours to kill, so I drove around town…

Blog Post

Shame Doesn’t Know You: Ending the Life Sentence

Women who struggle with pornography all experience it in different ways—from Internet porn, to erotica and fantasy, or a combination of all of it and more. But there is one recurring theme among women who struggle with porn, and it is the crippling, overwhelming feeling of shame. Perhaps you know…

Blog Post

Stop Looking At Porn You Sicko! (Part 1)

There are numerous strategies for battling pornography, and I tried many of them. My go-to strategy was the “Stop looking at porn you sicko!” approach mentioned in The Porn Circuit–which was to binge on porn, be furious with myself, look in the mirror, and just commit to “trying harder.” Too…

Blog Post

Dear Dads: Don’t Just Protect Yourselves from Porn

Recently we at Covenant Eyes received an e-mail asking why we focus so much on protecting kids. “I’m a guy who signed up for Covenant Eyes because of my own porn problem, not for my family,” he said. It’s a fair question. After all, porn use is generally considered a…

Blog Post

Sex, Smut, and Slavery: One film unpacks it all

Nate was a pastor with dark a secret. Porn had been his secret obsession for years. But fantasy gave way to reality one night when he was on his way to lead a Christmas Eve candlelight service at his church. Standing on the street he saw a young woman in…

Blog Post

Beth Davis’s Story: Jesus Set Me Free

Like so many people, I was exposed to pornography at a young age—maybe eleven or twelve. I wasn’t looking for it and no one showed it to me. I stumbled on it accidentally.  I knew instinctively that it was not meant for me, but my curiosity was inclined to pornography.…

Blog Post

Why Young Women are Now Being Drawn to Pornography

Dr. William Struthers explains that the female brain, unlike the male brain, is wired to understand sexual arousal first as “contextual” and then as “sensory.” What this means is when a young woman looks at porn, their brain learns what it means to be wanted by a man. When women…