Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Enslaved to Porn: Why I Returned Again and Again to Porn

During a bank robbery in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1973, robbers held several hostages for six long days. During this time, a curious thing began to happen: The hostages began to show signs of sympathy for their captors. Even after the ordeal was over, one of the hostages later became good…

Blog Post

3 Keys To Making Accountability Work

Covenant Eyes serves many churches, missionary organizations, and other groups, and using accountability software on all devices can be very beneficial—but only when individuals are encouraged to have safe and personal friends or mentors receive their Covenant Eyes activity feed. Accountability gets a bad rap. The term is commonly used…

Blog Post

Devastation and Hope: When God changed his heart (Part 2 of 4)

by Serena Abdelaziz [Read Part 1 of Serena’s story] Josh called me one afternoon to meet him at the park; he wanted to tell me the whole truth. He said he owed me that much. I can remember everything about that day. He shared with me how he never told…

Blog Post

Stop Porn Culture: What teens are really watching when they go online

When it comes to understanding the messages embedded in pornography, there are few voices I appreciate more than Gail Dines. In this presentation, “Sex, Identity, and Intimacy in a Porn Culture,” Dines explains just how disturbing the porn industry has become and why its prevalence has brought about a global health…

Blog Post

Porn and Anxiety: What Does Research Tell Us?

Is there a connection between watching porn and anxiety? Perhaps you’ve been experiencing anxiety and have wondered if it’s related to your porn habit. Maybe you’ve noticed a friend or loved one who seems especially anxious, and you’re concerned that porn might be causing it. Let’s take a look at…

Blog Post

5 Reasons Porn Impacts Kids More Than Adults

Dillon’s body feels like it never has before. The video his best friend’s brother showed him opened up a whole new world for Dillon. As an 8-year-old, Dillon hasn’t been paying attention to girls. He’s still trying to figure out if Santa is real or not. What he just saw…

Blog Post

Calculating the Value of Accountability

Is the price of Internet safety really worth it? Money is a contentious issue. In fact, it’s one of the leading causes of stress in relationships. And for those who are looking to cut costs, Internet safety tools like Covenant Eyes may feel like an easy thing to give up.…