Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Hooked: A Response to Christian Porn Addiction (Video)

You can now see the complete recording of our recent webinar, “Hooked: A Response to Christian Porn Addiction.” This webinar was designed for anyone who is currently helping someone (male or female) through a struggle with pornography. In this webinar we talk about: 5 Common Myths About Sexual Sin The…

Blog Post

To the Wife of a Porn Addict: Letting Go of Anger

I have had so many various emotions after discovering my husband was addicted to pornography three years ago. I had times of sadness and depression that would last for days. I was often confused and hopeless. Then there were times when I was thankful and happy that God led me…

Blog Post

Fighting Porn Addiction: The Key Missing Weapon

There are many important weapons a man or woman should use when fighting porn addiction: blocking all entry points for porn, identifying your triggers, finding and eliminating those “grey areas” where the lust can breed, learning how to deal with your fantasies before they lead to porn, personally exploring the ruling desires…

Blog Post

Pastor Confesses to 16-Year Porn Addiction

He was a leader in one of Australia’s largest churches. Thousands around the world prayed for him during his two-year battle with cancer. His hit song, “Healer,” inspired by his illness, has been played in churches around the world. The only problem is, Michael Guglielmucci never had cancer. About a…

Blog Post

Porn Addiction and Redemption: John and Shelli’s story

Nearly two years ago I heard about the Somebody’s Daughter project, a CD born out of the struggle of porn addiction. Soon after a companion DVD project was released featuring candid interviews with men and women who had been impacted by pornography. John and Shelli Mandeville were a part of…

Blog Post

Cure For Porn Addiction: Don’t Move to Iceland

Perhaps you’ve heard the news. Iceland is gearing up to ban Internet pornography. It won’t only be a crime, it would be straight-up impossible to look at porn with government filters in place. Soon, your first step to freedom could be to move to Iceland. I’ve priced tickets.  Your flight…