Defeat Lust & Pornography Three crosses on a hill at sunset.
Defeat Lust & Pornography 2 minute read

Why You Should Give Up Porn This Lent

Last Updated: January 30, 2024

The famous Lenten 40 days are just a couple of days away. It’s a time of repentance, fasting, and preparation leading up to Easter. Let’s be honest, do you know what spiritual observance you’ll be doing this Lent?

To be truthful, I’m not quite sure either.

Well, sort of. I know exactly what I’ll be seeking this Lent: Christ’s mercy because I’m a sinner and in need of Him, but in my brokenness, I am seeking holiness. 

Lent is indeed coming! There’s no stopping it. The purpose of Lent is to help us grow closer to Jesus. We can only do this by relying on Jesus’ divine mercy and grace. In this earthly life, there are many areas we each need to work through, to grow in, and to find healing.

To truly and intensely engage in Lent is to strive to overcome the most difficult things in our lives that keep us from seeking Jesus more completely.

Pornography is a difficult thing. It is hijacking our families, marriages, and communities. It is the leading cause of many issues in our world today: abuse, adultery, divorce, human trafficking, etc. It’s a very difficult thing. Its influence is universal, and it impacts almost everyone and everything. Yes, it’s difficult and needs a lot of intensity to overcome.

Will you choose this Lent to eradicate pornography from your life?

We’ve created an email challenge to help you do just this; it’s called Overcome Porn: The 40 Day Challenge. This guide includes the best advice we’ve published about breaking free from pornography, all to help you intensely seek God, receive His mercy and healing, and obtain freedom from pornography.

Whether we know it or not, each of our deepest desires is for God. We sometimes settle and try to fill that desire with a counterfeit, such as pornography.

We each desire true authentic love. Only God can give us this. Through Overcome Porn, you will have the opportunity to let God meet you in your need and weakness and to let Him take away the desire for things which have come to replace God in your life. You will find this isn’t just an app created for repetition or pious motion, but, if you let it, it can be used in a way to truly increase your relationship with God by bringing about a deeper desire for union with Him.

The Pope encourages us to celebrate and experience God’s mercy this Lent by listening to the word of God, spending time with Jesus, and allowing Him to meet us at our deepest places of need. We are encouraged to utilize this special time of the year and to make an effort to open ourselves up to personal change. Put yourself in a place to be loved. Open your heart. Seek God’s mercy and know that what you are longing for is union with God over anything that this world can offer you. This Lent, Overcome Porn will be right there with you and guide you every step of the way.

For more on the meaning of divine mercy, visit

  1. Kieran

    Thanks for this. I am giving this a try this Lent – I am desperate for help, porn is the bain of my life and sometimes I just cannot see a way out but you have given me hope.

  2. Mark Hollcraft

    Good stuff Amanda. Way to dive deeper and invite us to do the same. God be with you,

  3. Adam

    I had hoped the Android app would be available by the time Lent rolled around, alas, I am still waiting.

    • Annelise Hoshal

      Hi Adam!

      Thanks for your post! I apologize that at this time our app for Android is not available. I know that it can be frustrating. In the meantime, we do have the 40 day challenge mailing list we could add you to. It is all the same material as the app just in a daily email. If that is something you would like to do, feel free to contact our Customer Service at 877.479.1119 or and we would be more than happy to get you set up!

      Best regards,

  4. Thacien

    God bless you amanda i will follow the advise

  5. Farid Noor

    Thank you Amanda .. Great idea .. Bless you ..I will follow this plan

  6. Steve

    Thanks Amanda ! What are you giving up for Lent? I like Lent to refocus. Every week I confess anger without cause, cursing, resentment, sometimes hatred, jealousy, envy, lack of love and compassion. I could go on but I think you get it. This keeps me pretty busy. I am grateful that when I sin…”there is an Advocate with The Father, Jesus Christ, the Righteous.” This from the book of St. James. Billy Graham, The Pope, you, me we are just mere mortals, all battle temptation. Lent is a good time to CHANGE–repent when I have been in longer ongoing sins that I might allow myself to engage in without being too tough on myself, rationalizing. In one of my 12 step groups for purity we often used to say that we are only as sick as our secrets. Thanks for the reminder. Grateful for His Grace, grateful for brothers that I can be accountable with. Sex was God’s idea. It is something beautiful to be enjoyed in marriage but the enemy of our souls uses it in many ways to cheapen it and take us down the road of sin. Brothers need brothers and sisters need sisters as many women are now also being trapped by porn. Steve

  7. Roger

    I gave up porn for lent 2 years ago. I did not have the smoothest of roads but I am glad I quit. I have gained many graces thanks to God.

  8. Jesse

    Why would u still call yourself a sinner, when God saves and gives us a new name. Saint, Anointed, Righteous, just asking..

    • Tony

      Cos we’re still sinners who sin. Hence the need for this website.

  9. Msgr. David Baumgartner

    Thank you.

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