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Rebuild Your Marriage 7 minute read

Yes, Using Porn Is Cheating. Here’s Why.

Last Updated: January 12, 2024

Editor’s Note: The views expressed in this post do not reflect the official stance of Covenant Eyes. While recognizing the reality of brokenness caused by pornography, Covenant Eyes celebrates restored relationships whenever possible. We recommend our article 6 Powerful Stories of Marriages that Overcame Porn if you are looking for encouragement!

I’ve heard it said that there are men who don’t look at porn, and then there are men who are breathing. If recent surveys are any indication, porn use has become the norm among men, not the exception.

Still, I get a lot of questions from women who are feeling the heartbreaking impact of porn on their marriages. To them porn feels like cheating, and for good reason.

It is.

I understand why many don’t think this is true (reasons I’ll address below), but first, it is important that I define some terms.

By “using porn” I don’t mean merely seeing it. It’s hard not to walk about in public places or go online without seeing something that is at least meant to titillate the eyes of men. When I say “using” I mean intentionally taking porn in through one’s senses with the intention of being turned on and then, most likely, masturbating or at least getting sexually aroused.

By “cheating” I mean that using porn is breaking a vow—either implicitly or explicitly—made to one’s spouse. This is because marriage is, in part, about sexual exclusivity; it is about “forsaking all others.”

The Slippery Porn Slope

Take some steps with me down a morally slippery slope.

Step 1: Let’s say I were to visit a prostitute and have sex with her. That would be cheating on my wife. I assume no one would debate me on this point.

Step 2: However, let’s say that when I met with the prostitute we didn’t actually touch each other: I just watched her have sex with someone else while I masturbated in the same room. (Weird, I know. But just go with it.) Would that be cheating? Both in this case and in the previous case I am seeking the services of a prostituted woman for sexual pleasure—seeking out and enjoying the body of a woman who is not my wife in order to be sexually gratified.

Could a man rightly say, “Yes, I pleasured myself in front of a hooker, but we didn’t touch each other. I stayed faithful to you”? I don’t think so. The pretense of no physical contact doesn’t matter because the action still violates the spirit of sexual exclusivity.

Step 3: However, let’s say I didn’t visit the prostitute in person but only interacted with her online through erotic video chat. Let’s say I masturbated during the chat session while using the video image as the source of my fantasy. Is this cheating? Has the lack of physical proximity suddenly changed the situation that it is no longer breaking my marriage vow? I don’t think so.

Step 4: Now let’s say that instead of engaging in the video chat live, the prostitute recorded herself for me so I could masturbate at my convenience. Is this still cheating? Am I now suddenly remaining faithful to my marriage vows because someone hit the record button? No. That’s just stupid.

Step 5: Now let’s say the prostitute has a business card with a fancy title on it: “Pornographic Actress.” She even has a website with a resume listing of all the films she’s been in. Her pimp—I mean, agent—pays taxes and everything. Totally legit. Let’s say I reach out to this prostitute and pay her to view her recorded videos which she gladly sells me. Is this cheating? Does the change in title and the veneer of professionalism change the nature of the act? No.

Step 6: Now let’s say that this entire enterprise is industrialized so that this woman is part of a large network of other prostitutes who are doing the same thing. Much like walking into a brothel, I can pick the woman I want when I want, pay my fee, and enjoy her body for my lustful purposes. Is this cheating? What about the industrialized nature of the product changes the nature of the act? Nothing.

And on this last step we have arrived at what the modern porn industry is. This is why using pornography is cheating. It is engagement with a digital prostitute despite one’s vow to forsake all others.

Hold On, I’m Not Convinced.

I can hear the screeching of mental breaks right about now. Many are thinking, “Wait a second. Something major has shifted between the first scenario and the last. No one sees porn as digital prostitution. If this was the way our culture understood porn, it might be one thing. But very few people who watch porn go online thinking, ‘I can’t wait to get sexual gratification from a digital prostitute.'”

This is a good objection. After all, motive and intention count for something when it comes to the promises or vows we make. If I sign a contract saying I will not share proprietary information from my employer, but then forward a work e-mail along to a friend, not knowing it counts as “proprietary,” I’m not guilty of intentionally breaking my promise (even if my employer has grounds to fire me). Someone who uses porn might think along the same lines: “I’m just watching video clips made by actors and actresses, not intentionally seeking digital interactions with a prostitute.”

I agree, but motives only carry some of the weight when it comes to our moral decisions. The above slippery slope is not as much about motives as it is about the nature of the actions. Behind the making of pornography are real people really selling themselves for the sexual gratification of viewers. The medium doesn’t change the fact that a prostituted woman was used for her body and sex appeal, no matter the viewer’s understanding of the act.

This is why so many women say using porn feels like cheating: the act of seeking out another woman for sexual pleasure—even if she is hidden behind a veil of pixels and a sleazy acting agency—is not a movement towards faithfulness, but away from it.

[Tweet “Seeking out porn is engagement with a digital prostitute. #pornischeating”]

Why Cheating Matters (and Why It Doesn’t)

However, by saying that using porn is breaking a marriage vow, I am not prescribing a specific reaction we should have to it. The six-step slippery slope presents six different scenarios, each having their own gravity of offense. They may all be cheating, but they all show different levels of intensity.

We need to turn the tables on those who ask, “Is using porn cheating?” and address why it matters.

  • For some, when they ask, “Is using porn cheating?” they bring a lot of baggage with the question. They think, “Since porn is cheating, I can never forgive you.” “Since porn is cheating, I have grounds to divorce you—and I will.” “Since porn is cheating, I will lash out and cheat on you.” These dispositions are, quite frankly, completely separate issues to address. To say a man has broken his marriage vow by seeking out porn is one thing. To say that he cannot be forgiven, that he should be divorced, or that he deserves revenge are other matters altogether.
  • For others, when they ask, “Is using porn cheating?” they simply want their spouse to know that when they said, “I do,” they expected a spirit of monogamy. Yes, the world is full of sexual temptations. Yes, they know their spouse is full of hormones and attracted to other people walking about in the world. But they expected to be the focus of their spouse’s sexual energy, attention, and devotion. When they vowed to “forsake all others,” that is what they promised and what they expected in return.

The Heart of the Matter

Two facts lie at the heart of the issue.

First, people often desire the perks of marriage, but marriage vows are not taken seriously. As such, we find ourselves straddling two worlds. In one world, we embrace an idyllic picture of finding “the one,” growing old together, loving and serving another person until death we do part. In the other world, we enjoy the convenience and self-centeredness of solo-sex in front of the computer screen. These two worlds mix like oil and water in our miry hearts. Before long, you will either have to abandon pornography or abandon a genuine spirit of monogamy.

Second, people have been blinded by the sense of distance the digital world places between ourselves and the real world. We believe something doesn’t count as much if it is “online” or “on television” or “just fantasy.” We rename offenses: stealing becomes downloading, cruelty becomes speaking one’s mind, and exploitation becomes entertainment. We have settled for what Chris Hedges calls an empire of illusion. “Pornography does not promote sex, if one defines sex as a shared act between two partners. It promotes masturbation,” Hedges writes. “It promotes the solitary auto-arousal that precludes intimacy and love. Pornography is about getting yourself off at someone else’s expense.”

So, He’s Cheating. Now What?

If your husband (or wife) is engrossed in porn, you are right to feel like this is cheating. He is defrauding you of something that should be your exclusive domain. You are not a prude for thinking this. You just take your vows seriously, as everyone should.

But where do you go from here? Start by getting educated about the addictive nature of pornography and the steps other couples have taken to take a new direction. Read, “6 Common Questions Asked By Wives of Porn Addicts.”

  1. melencoly

    Doesn’t the act of masturbating with toys or while fantasizing still break that fundamental vow? I mean sexual exclusivity is broken in both of these cases. Your logic steps would imply this especially they toy part. Go through the steps using a dildo instead of porn, and a man making a mold of himself instead of recording the sex. Also would it be cheating if the masturbation was not to porn but lets say a lingerie website or Vogue for that matter. Oh and for the record I agree that porn is bad, demoralizing, etc. I just don’t think your logic works. Porn is bad simply because it reduces sexual attraction to real women (proven) and it takes your sexual desire from your partner.

  2. Taylor

    You managed to put my EXACT perspective on this matter into words perfectly! Thank you for that!

  3. Taylor

    You managed to put my EXACT perspective on this matter perfectly. Thank you!

  4. Bob

    Feel the force, Luke. You really need to get over yourself. Like celibacy in the priest hood, fighting nature just doesn’t work; it ends up in child abuse. I suggest to subscribe to Porn Hub before you lose your mind.

    • Thanks for the Star Wars reference.

      Not sure what I need to “get over” about myself, but I’ll try.

      I’m also not sure what about this article (or any article I’ve written here) makes your think I’m asking people to fight nature. Can you be more clear?

    • Jessica

      There are porn actresses in nature? Watching a couple having sex is natural? I beg to differ.

    • Mariah

      You need to grow up in marriage u give up being shellfish if a wife was to fall in love with another man yes she is cheating just as a man watching porn to be aroused or to get off

  5. Stressed & Tired

    I was introduced to porn early in life & have been trying to steer clear of it but keep relapsing. I’ve been with my wife for almost 20 yrs & I’m tired of hurting her. Due to issues that have happened in our childhood, my wife & I are intimate a couple times a yr if I’m lucky. I sincerely love my wife & while we’re still young I’d love to be able for us to share the passion two loving individuals are intended to share. All in all, I need help! Any advice to keep this demon called porn from rearing its ugly head again in my lifetime would be greatly appreciated…

    • Kay Bruner

      Well, it sounds to me like you both need to address those childhood issues, for sure. I’d say you probably need to each get a good, individual therapist and work on those issues separately. You might want to look into a CSAT-certified therapist for yourself. Once you’re both in a place of recovery over those individual issues, it would probably then be time to work together with a good marriage and family therapist to learn how to be truly connected to each other emotionally.

      While you’re working on those issues, you can start educating yourselves about what makes a marriage successful. One of the best books I know about relationships/marriage is The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman. It’s interesting, but the research says that sex isn’t one of the things! It’s all about knowing each other, being able to work through issues, learning how to agree to disagree when you need to, and truly caring about the other person’s emotions. Here’s an article I wrote a while back about Gottman’s ideas on building trust.

      If you haven’t read Surfing for God, you might find that helpful as well.

      Blessings, Kay

    • Stressed & Tired

      Thank you, Kay! It means a lot…

    • Kay Bruner

      Hope it helps!

    • Joe Blow

      Her neglect of you is just as much a sin as your porn use. You both need to address your own issues separately and then also together. Wish you both much success.

  6. Bogdan

    This article is a mistake right from point 2. You created a chain where every node is slightly different. You can add then another point 7: if you masturbate only thinking at porn you cheat. 8: if you just imagine other women’s breasts underneath her clothing. 9: have a sexual fantasy with an unknown woman. 10: be a men

    • The different between one scenario and the next is intentional, not a mistake. The point is that if movement from one point to another does not move from adulterous behavior to non-adulterous behavior, then the last point in the chain is adulterous in nature.

      I don’t think point 8 and following fits the scenario. Merely imagining something does not denote some kind of intention to engage with a digital prostitute.

  7. David Brooks

    So cheating on your wife with a prostitute and watching porn are one and the same? I beg to differ, watching porn while morally reprehensible does not risk your innocent partners life. Having sex with a HIV riddled prostitute will kill not only you but your wife leaving your children parentless! The outcomes of the two morally reprehensible activities are so divergent as to put them into different categories.

    • No, they are not “one and the same.” That isn’t what I said at all. I said seeking out porn is engagement with a digital prostitute.

    • Rhonda

      You might not see porn to be one and the same as being with a prostitute, but some people can become addicted to porn, Which in turn can lead to paying for sex with a live person to enact what they have seen. While, the person may tell the spouse they love them. Some of these people can not have actual sexual contact with their spouse. I know this because I married such a person. His inability to be physically affectionate with me made me question if he found me unattractive. It would not matter what I would do. It was not until I cleaned a spare room that I found a large amount of pornographic material (videos and pictures) that I knew there was an issue. I asked him about it and told him how it hurt me that he would rather gratify himself to the porn rather than have an actual intimate relationship with his wife. He removed the material and threw it out. (Which he later removed from the trash and took to another location.) A year later I had to use his laptop to assist him with his business, where I found a whole section of his computer dedicated to pornographic movies and pictures, ranking women that live our area and whom we both know on their attire, and scenarios he would like to play out with other women. I did not tell him I found this, instead I thought I would check out some of the sites he went to and get his logins and passwords. When I did this, I found he has paid for “escorts” and gone to “massage parlors” for some of his fantasies. So porn can lead to physical adultery. I tore me apart and every day currently is a struggle to fight to live. Even though he promised to get help and to work together on our marriage, his actions have been to the contrary.

    • Mariah

      You are thinking and getting off because of what that hot little number is doing in the video. So yes it is cheating you’re sexually looking at someone else then spouse.

  8. Leonard Killington

    From a philosophical standpoint, it is this very line of reasoning which supports the general argument that it is very wrong to exceed the posted speed limit while driving an automobile on the highway. Speed limits are “agreements” society has made and when we are granted our drivers licensees we agree to obey all traffic laws. Yet very, very, very few people ever drive the speed limit. I am one of the few persons on the highway who actually does drive the posted speed limit and I am the recipient of a tremendous amount of harrasement because of it. Just imagine always driving the speed limit, and what impact that has upon the other drivers around you. They pretty much hate you. Now it is known that speed kills. Furthermore, speeding is just one symptom of a general behaviour where drivers will do many unsafe things, be it following too close or pulling out too soon from a stop, that endanger their lives. So while porn may be the little secret we all keep to ourselves, speeding is the one thing that practically everyone does, mothers and fathers, grandparents and children, until a police car is seen…then everyone slows down. Now it’s pretty easy to raise the speed limit. As the vast majority of the voter base exceeds the speed limit, I really don’t know why we do not simply vote ourselves a higher speed limit. I’d like a speed limit of 120 mph in places. I drive a DeTomaso Pantera at times so I actually can drive very fast, but I choose not to because it’s against the law. It’s against the covenant. So my advice is before we move forward declaring how horrible it is to break one or the other covenants, we think just a little bit about how we drive and if as a society we need to face reality and either raise the speed limits to reflect how we truly behave or simply start doing the right thing. And then perhaps we will also begin to say, stop looking at porn. After all, it is all very similar behavior. It’s aways a matter of what we think we can get away with when no one is watching.

    • Amen. Consistency across the behavior spectrum is needed.

    • Jessica

      I have to say that the original speed limits were not 55mph. In fact, the roads were designed with much higher speed limits in mind. The 55mph came about during the gas crisis. when the gas crisis ended, speeds were not raised because of the revenue generated by them. so yes, speed kills. It kills at 20,30,40,50,60mph etc. going 40 in a 30 does not necessarily mean you have a higher chance of killing someone…in as much as going 5mph in a 20 means it is safer. If speed limits were designed to save lives, I would side with you. But it seems there are larger social and political factors that go into the speed than simply saving lives.

  9. LJ

    First of all I can say I am 21.. met my bf of 4 years when i was turning 18.. I am currently dealing with this sick dirty deed act.. I personally find it unjustifiable in any way.. viewing porn is cheating.. it’s lusting after someone you don’t even know.. but because they are naked.. and being provocative with this fake *persona of being someone perfect who is gaging for sex.. it’s just ridiculous.. now.. I have just currently had a baby.. to this guy and during my entire pregnancy I literally had to beg for imtimacy.. not just a cuddle but to be desired and physically loved.. so I knew something wasn’t right.. still I shook it off and left it. go. ( WRONG) now my feelings are eating me inside and out.. I needed more evidence.. before i’d have confronted him.. when my son was only..4 weeks old.. my fiance.. (would wait until i was asleep.. even though I offered to be imitate with him before i went to sleep.. he turned me down.. while i was asleep.. the baby was crying ( it was his turn for night feeds) I woke up.. to find he was not there.. I went down stairs secretly.. to find yes you guessed it.. ”getting himself off to pornography.. I lost all my baby weight almost instantly.. I had a very hard labour.. more then 24 hours which ended in a emergency c section.. but you guys would say ” oh.. it’s cause ur not confident.. ur tired.. you don’t do what they can do.. ” you expect such a false reality.. to feed ur sick mind without realising ur just damaging yourself and everyone around you.. I have threatened to leave because why should someone in a relationship need a stranger on a screen to sexually satisfy them when there partner is willing too.. I even tried to do things to bring a little more fun to the bedroom..but it’s not good enough..because the more you feed ur addiction of this filth the more you become less of a man.. and don’t give excuses like ”all men do it ” ”we have animal instincts” woman want sex too.. and cause are partners can’t controll themselves.. we suffer for it.. hell if you want someone on a screen and ur hand.. that’s ok..but you shouldn’t have both ur cake and eat it.. that’s selfish and ur undeserving of good faithful wives.. I never so much look at another guy with googley eyes let alone.. orgasm to one.. I have too much respect for my partner I care about his feelings obviously the feeling isn’t mutual and that’s what hurts. and having been here over 4 years.. I can honestly say no I don’t want to marry him.. and deal with this pure dirty deed daily..

    • Kay Bruner

      Hey there. I’m so sorry for the pain you’re going through right now. This is such a tough situation, and so frustrating because all you can do is take responsibility for yourself, and hope that your partner will choose to do the same. I would encourage you to find support just for you, as you think about your boundaries and what is healthy for you going forward. Personal counseling can be helpful, and groups are a wonderful place to find others working through similar issues who can be supportive to you as well. Celebrate Recovery, S Anon, even Al Anon are all good places to look. Here’s an article I wrote a while back about boundaries, and here’s another one Ella wrote just recently. I hope those are helpful. Blessings, Kay

    • The sexually frustrated GF

      I walked in on my partner with his pants down about to jerk off to porn when I came home from work. He quickly pulled up his pants and said he was texting his tax lady when he saw me walk in. “Really texting your tax lady with your pants down looking like your about to jerk it?” Then he admitted he was about to watch some porn once he was done texting her. Then I asked if I was not good enough. He said I was. And he said he was planning on having sex with me when he got home from work that night ( we never did he claimed he was too tired as I predicted and of course I got on him about it telling him he was predictable) Here’s the thing. He always claims he’s too tired or too busy when I try to initiate. When we do have sex it’s on his time. Which is once about every 4 days now when we used to do it once or twice a day. He used to not be able to keep his hands off me now I just feel like he prefers porn to me. I addressed this and he said all guys do it and he has high testosterone. Well if his testosterone is high or why don’t we have more sex. I never turn him down and am always wanting it. I love feeling the intimacy with him. It makes me feel like I am not good enough/ attractive enough for him. It hurts me and breaks my confidence. He says he loves me but I sometimes wonder if he just needs someone to clean the house and cook for him without the intimacy while he finds someone hotter to look at or who knows actually have sex with. He tells me I am making a big deal and being dramatic about it and unreasonable. He also tells me at least I didn’t walk in on him with another girl in bed. Well to me it’s just as bad. You are lusting and fantasizing over someone else. He claims he doesn’t jerk it often but that’s a lie I know it. I’ve heard him in the shower almost everytime
      He’s in there cause we live in a small apartment and he leaves the door open. He jerks it more than we have sex even though he says he prefers the real thing. 🙄 Well he must not want the real thing with me. I really needed to vent about this and I’m wondering if I am unreasonable. He cheated on his ex a few times so makes me wonder if he just gets bored easily and like I said wants me for the other shit in the relationship just not sex.

    • Moriah Bowman

      Hi friend,
      It sounds like you may need to take a step back and look at the future of this relationship. Although I am not one to suggest that one leaves a relationship when things get difficult, I do think that since you are not in a committed marriage relationship, you should really consider where this is headed and how much more damaging it could become over time.

      If you do want to preserve the relationship, I think that it is essential that you both consider counseling, both individually and as a couple. Getting to the root of the issue can hugely benefit your relationship (and intimacy), and a therapist will be able to help you both do that.

      I hope that I don’t sound like a downer in my response. I want nothing more than your relationship to succeed, but what is happening right now is not healthy, especially if your boyfriend doesn’t even see where he is wrong here. Ultimately, if he is not willing to change and openly admits to watching porn, you need to get out fast.

      I am praying for you both! Please feel free to reach out here again with any questions.


  10. Forced abstinence

    What do you do if you have been in a 5 yr marriage that has been sex less from the beginning?

    How do you explain to your spouse that your struggles come from the desire to be sexually exclusive with them?

    What if sex deathly terrifies your spouse to the point that you feel guilty for bringing it up at any pt?

    Just curious.

    • Great questions. I don’t know if it relates to the subject of this post directly, but it’s worth looking at.

      First, I recommend reading this article to start, “Will a Better Sex Life Keep Porn at Bay?” It takes a very balanced approach to the subject.

      Second, to fear sexuality is an unhealthy thing, whether you are married or unmarried. If I were speaking to this spouse, I would urge them to get to the bottom of this fear. As sexual creatures, we should not fear what our bodies are wired to do—that’s like being afraid of food or water.

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