Defeat Lust & Pornography A young man of integrity, who has just graduated with his diploma.
Defeat Lust & Pornography 2 minute read

Using Accountability to Become a Man of Integrity

Last Updated: July 7, 2023

This Victory Story was shared by one of our scholarship applicants. For more information on Covenant Eyes scholarships, see here.

I have used Covenant Eyes for several years now. As a Christian and a man of God, I want to remain pure and faithful to the Lord in everything that I do. Covenant Eyes has been a great way for me to be held accountable by my parents and my friends. There have been times in my life when I have struggled with using the web for sinful things. As I grew in my relationship with the Lord I felt that I needed to be held accountable for my actions and thoughts that appeared on the internet. Having Covenant Eyes has been very impactful in my life and I plan to continue to use it for a long time.

The Devil uses everything that we encounter in this world to try and tempt us into sin. The internet is one of the most common ways that he tries to do that. Having my dad know the things I search for and the things I do on my computer has really kept my actions accountable. As a man, it is very hard to admit that I need others to help me in my life. But I want to glorify God however with everything that I do in my life. Having Covenant Eyes takes away even the slightest temptations to sin has been such a great relief and has changed my life. I am excited to share Covenant Eyes with friends and family and encourage them to use the accountability it provides in their lives.

Something that I want for the rest of my life is to be a man of integrity in my faith. The Lord commands us as Christians to live a life of integrity.

Proverbs 10:9 says, “Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.”

It is easy at times to do sinful things when we are alone because we think no one is watching or no one cares. But the truth is that the Lord always knows and sees what you have done. He cares for us so much and he desires for us to live a life of integrity. Even when we think no one is watching, He is and always will be. Having integrity can be so difficult at times, it is so easy to give in to temptation because of how deceptive Satan can be. We must stand firm in our faith and in the Lord and know that He is bigger and more powerful than Satan will ever be.

Believing and having ultimate trust in the Lord is the most important and key thing to living a life of integrity. I don’t want to just live a life of integrity with the internet though, I want everything in my life to be done with integrity. Whether that be in the sports I play, academics, work, or anything else that may come up in my life. My life is committed to the Lord and I want to glorify and please Him with all of my actions no matter the temptation or pressure I may be under.


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