Defeat Lust & Pornography
Defeat Lust & Pornography 5 minute read

David’s Story of Child Porn Addiction: Facing 8 Years in Prison

Last Updated: March 4, 2024

The following is a guest post by David Chatham. He is in court today awaiting sentencing for possession of child pornography.

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Many people talk about the proverbial “knock on the door” as their wake-up call and introduction to recovery from pornography addiction. For me, the knock was entirely too real. It came at 7:00 a.m. on December 16, 2008 when federal and state law enforcement agents knocked on our door and changed our lives. The agents were serving a search warrant to investigate me for receipt of child pornography. The pain in my wife’s eyes that morning will stay with me forever. As of this writing I have plead guilty to one count of receipt of child pornography and am facing up to eight years in federal prison.

This is my story.

My Early Exposure to Pornography

I grew up the middle child of three in a middle-class home in the suburbs of Raleigh, N.C. My father worked for IBM for 30 years and my mother started out as a stay-at-home mom, then worked her way into a professional career. My parents remain married today after 43 years. By all accounts, I had an average childhood. We lived in a rural area near tobacco and dairy farms. We belonged to a swim and tennis club nearby and had motorcycles, a boat and yearly vacations at the beach. We attended the little white country church across the street from our house. The one constant for me growing up was that I always felt different. Whether it was my red hair, buck teeth, or just in my head, it was always there.

I was first exposed to sex at age seven by an older female cousin fondling me. At age nine I was exposed to pornography when I found my father’s collection of magazines. I’m not sure what clicked, but I became fascinated by pornography and believe my addiction began with that first exposure. From that point on I actively pursued pornography by looking for it whenever I thought I might have a shot of finding it: My father’s collection, a friend’s father’s stash, neighbors, relatives, etc. I quickly learned to soothe myself with pornography and did so almost every day until January of 2009.

Child Pornography Enters the Picture

As my addiction progressed so did my need to look at harder and more explicit pornography. What started out as looking at Playboys progressed to Hustlers, then to videos depicting hard core sex acts. I discovered the Internet in 1994 and my addiction was fueled like putting gas to a fire. I was married at the time and my wife and I had a reasonably good relationship in spite of the pornography. Once I got online, I emotionally abandoned my wife and spent hours and hours online chatting and trading adult pornography. Our relationship was deteriorating before my eyes and I felt powerless to stop it. I was ashamed and angry and scared.

I discovered child pornography in 1996. I was on America Online, chatting with a person, trading adult pictures and this person said, “Tell me what you think about this one,” referring to the picture he was sending. It turned out to be a grainy black and white picture of a young girl, maybe 12, nude. I was shocked, repulsed and scared. I told him I didn’t like it, didn’t want to see more, and ended the conversation. A “normal” reaction, from what I’ve learned. However, somewhere along the way, as I traded adult images, and more and more people sent me child pornography, I dropped my boundaries and started looking at it and became sexually excited by it. To this day I don’t understand it. I’m not a pedophile; I have never touched a child nor ever wanted to. But somehow it became acceptable for me to view child pornography. The shame I felt was suffocating. But I chose each time to view it, feeling helpless to stop. I tried to justify it by saying I wasn’t physically hurting a child, that I didn’t “save” the images, and that I never distributed them to anyone else.

The Boundaries Erode

My wife discovered the child pornography and decided to leave the marriage. For most people this would have been enough of a wake-up call to consider getting help. I did consider it, attending 12-step meetings, but continued to look at pornography, digging in deeper to mask the shame of my divorce. While I primarily viewed adult pornography, I continued to look at child pornography. I treated it as almost a booster, something to put me over the top during my fantasy and masturbation.

After about a year, around 1999, I met a woman and started dating her. Lisa was amazing. She was fun, beautiful, athletic, intelligent and outgoing. We had a good time. But pornography still dominated my life. I would tell Lisa I had to have certain days free from seeing her under the premise that I needed “alone time.” Actually, I was carving out time to spend all day looking at pornography and compulsively masturbating. I was still chatting, trading adult pornography (still receiving child pornography) and viewing adult videos offline on a daily basis.

As broadband Internet became available I began expanding my repertoire of pornography. My boundaries continued to erode. It became more aggressive, more deviant. I would spend sleepless nights looking at it. Choosing the fantasy world over reality.

Lisa and I married on Oct. 4, 2003. Despite her awareness that something “wasn’t right,” she agreed to marry me. It took me five years to propose to her because I was so afraid it would just be a repeat of my first marriage and I would end up running her away as well. Little did I know just how strong a woman she is.

In the last few years leading up to the federal agents at our door, I felt like that was the inevitable end, that I was hopelessly addicted and had to hit bottom. I realize now that my bottom could have been the loss of my first marriage, the many arguments Lisa and I had about pornography, the shame I felt about my actions.

Redeeming the Time

Ultimately, I chose to receive child pornography from someone over a file sharing site in 2008. According to the agents who conducted the investigation, I was one of many people the person had sent pornography to and I was caught up in a sting.

I am currently awaiting my sentencing for the one count of receipt of child pornography. The federal guidelines suggest a prison term of around eight years for my particular offense. My wife and I have decided to use the time I have left before I go to prison to try to be of service to God and to help raise awareness of the damaging effects of pornography on individuals, families and society. Child pornography is not a victimless crime. The children in those images were physically and sexually abused for those pictures, and each time they are viewed they are victimized again.

As much as I regret my actions, I do believe God has a purpose in all of this. I accepted Christ on February 12, 2009. My wife and I have been receiving counseling and I have been attending 12-step meetings. I’ve been sober from pornography and masturbation since January of 2009. I am working on the hole that I was trying to fill with pornography, and Lisa and I are working on our marriage. We have been more honest, more intimate and more available to each other in the last 9 months than we have the entire 10 years we have been together.

Being accountable is a huge part of regaining the trust in our relationship. To help demonstrate that accountability, my wife and I use Covenant Eyes Accountability software. She receives a daily report on my online behavior and we discuss any concerns that may arise. It is a great way to be an open book, and to also provide me with one more tool I can use to fight temptation. If I do have the desire to stray, knowing how that will impact my wife and our relationship gives me motivation to stop and stay strong.

I regret my actions every day, but I’m not ashamed any more. I have seen so many small miracles in our life the last few months. While I wish the knock on the door had come sooner for me, I’m grateful that when I was ready to get help it was there in the form of God, our church, therapists and yes, even law enforcement. I pray that someone else doesn’t have to go through what we have gone through, that they open the door to redemption and recovery before that knock arrives.

Photo credit: zengei
  1. vic1234

    Be respectful? Are you freaking kidding me???? Ok,oK…I guess I’ll refrain from using swear words but showing respect to David Catham or his supporters is like asking a lion not to gobble up a fresh kill. You see, Mr Chatham is a vile, despicable animal who endorses the raping, torturing and killing of innocent children. He believes that children are objects and that it’s ok to ruin their entire lives by sadistically raping them. Not only does he believe that it’s ok, but he positively encourages the action and celebrates enthusiastically every time he witnesses the act.

    Do you Christians understand? If YOU show ANY form of support, sympathy or understanding for this man then YOU, by your free actions reveal the true darkness that dwells within your evil hearts.

    I have read through the comments on this shambles of a website and I have been sickened by the sentements shown by ALL OF YOU.

    You believe that God should show mercy, give him strength and allow light to enter his life? You really want those good things for this sadistic pervert?



    • I was not asking you to show David respect, but our thousands of readers. Thank you for refraining from vulgar language. In order to be more constructive about this, how do you recommend we go checking your allegations? Believe me, I have every intention of doing this: your allegations are serious and they deserve to be explored.

    • Marie

      REPENTENCE defines a Christian which is why this man sharing this one terrible area of sin/failure/weakness where he has REPENTED–acknowledged his wrongdoing & the harm it causes others, turned away, held himself accountable to God, the law and his family and is walking in a different direction is something all Christians (those who accept God’s forgiveness through Christ for any/all sin) are supportive. Society (especially “secular”/non-religious) embraces watching porn as a personal freedom or “right”. Whether they advocated for or against child porn—a mountain of anecdotal evidence points to those with the habit of watching any “legal” form (consenting adults) will eventually devolve into a need for something novel most often resulting in viewing underage persons. You can’t say “porn is fine, just not if it involves a child”. At least Christians advocate against ALL porn which is more likely to protect children than society’s standards on the whole.

  2. Recently we’ve received some comments on this post I’ve chosen not to publish for reason of their terrible vulgarity. Those who wish to comment on this post in a respectable manner can do so, even if they disagree with what is written here, and I will happily publish it. I will not publish comments from people trolling our website, people looking to lure us into a fight. Please, be respectful if you have a criticism.

  3. Luke,

    This is an amazing story. I thank God that this man had the courage to share it.

    What this illustrates so well is the progressive nature of sin. If readers want to learn more about this, I suggest they read “The Mortification of Sin” by John Owen. (I recommend the 2004 abridged version by Richard Rushing.)

    Preaching on Gal 5:19-20, Owen says, “Every time sin rises to tempt or entice, it always seeks to express itself in the extreme. Every unclean thought or glance would be adultery, if it could; every covetous desire would be oppression; and every unbelieving thought would be atheism. It is like the grave that is never satisfied.

    In this we see the deceitfulness of sin. It gradually prevails to harden man’s heart to his ruin. (Heb 3:13)”

    Another great quote from the book: “Always be killing sin or it will be killing you.”

    What amazes me is that the Puritan Owen wrote this book over 350 years ago in 1656.

    Thanks again for this post,

  4. Evelinn

    David, thank you for sharing. Your story is so much like my husbands. He is waiting for inditments and regrets that it took loosing his job, having to tell his elderly parents, having to tell his children who are grown with children.

    I will be praying for you and your wife. May God Bless what you are trying to do.

    I believe good men make bad choices and have to pay a very hefty price for it.

    My husband confessed that he had sin against god, hurt his family, his church, his friends and his coworkers and God has been good. He is in counseling, going to the group meetings and he is like a different man.

    Bless You!


  5. Here’s an update from David, now in jail:

    “I’ve been in jail for just three days now. It seems like three years. I decided to move from general population to protective custody so I could actually try to keep working on this initiative. I think it would be impossible to so it otherwise. Plus, I felt less than safe knowing the N&O article was coming out this weekend. There is alot of time to think in here. Too much really. Mostly I’ve been praying, reading, and talking to a few folks. I’ve slept on the floor, eaten foods I’m not sure what it was, and worn the same jumpsuit for 3 days. But, despite all this, I’m still grateful to be free from my addiction.”

  6. lauren

    Thank you for your honesty and humilty. How awesome to see God’s faithfulness in ALL our lives. We are nothing with out Him. Never stop telling your story– so many families are being suffocated to death by this powerful drug– and they are crying out for hope. You can offer hope through Christ. It is so great to know that we are not alone in our battle against satan and our flesh. He is powerful– but God is supreme and ultimately in control. We are so thirlled that Christ met you in your brokeness! We pray as you continue to learn of His steadfast love– you grow deeper and deeper in love with Him. He will overwhelm every part of you and all you will be able to do is fall at the foot of the cross and follow Him. God bless your future whatever it may look like—He will use your willing and broken heart to bring hope to MANY– and glory to His Name. We are on your team- you can be the man God wants you to be.

  7. John

    David is a freind of mine, we met through counciling. I too am facing prison time due to this problem. Much like David I failed to recognize the impact this would have not only on my life, but the lives of my family. most importantly I considered this a victimless crime, now after meeting several victims of CP I realize the pain these people live with every day and as for my part i would I cant explain the pain I feel for the victims. As a father who would do anything to protect his daughter, haveing viewed cp makes me feel like scum. I am not making excuses for my actions, I was wrong and now must pay the price, It is Gods plan and I am merely here to carry it out . God bless David. hope to write you soon if its possible to communicate between prisons. will let lisa know this is here so maybe she can paraphrase for you. Dawn and I include you in our prayers every day. Heres to sobriety and a better way of life through Gods grace. I love you man , keep you chin up.

  8. keiston

    wow,i never knew how something as small as researching can affect my life.thanks for the posting it opened my eyes.i am a correctional officer this man is nothing like i have seen,most of the time people blame law enforcement for their actions.he states that basically law enforcement was sent by god,maybe him and his wife prayed that god would intervene and come help.praise god who has the power to do all things from heal the sick to help us on our every day travel.with the closing i would like to leave everyone with my favorite bible comes from phillipians chapter 4 verse 13 “i can do all things through christ who strengthens me”from the king james version.thanks for everything.

  9. That’s powerful stuff. I completely understand that snowball progression where things go from “normal” to “taboo”. At the height of my addiction I started watching gay and transexual porn, despite that fact that I wasn’t gay and had no desire to be with a man. I had just gotten to the point where I needed more and more defiling material to satisfy my lust’s growing appetite.

  10. Luke,

    Thanks for posting David’s story. He’s a friend, locally, and definitely doing the right thing. May God give him mercy, strength, and grace in the edge of this struggle.

    May God wash us all with His grace. Help us boldly repent and let him take away the shame!

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