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The Truth About Teens and Porn
What is pornography like for today’s teenagers? This is the first generation…
What is pornography like for today’s teenagers? This is the first generation to grow up in a world where smartphones and high-speed internet have always existed. According to recent studies, 95% of teens now have…
6 Easy Ways Your Child Can Bypass Your Internet Filter
Your internet filter won’t protect your kids from porn. If you’ve set…
Your internet filter won’t protect your kids from porn. If you’ve set up a filter, you obviously care about keeping the bad stuff from getting to your kids, or keeping your kids from getting to…
Talking to Your Kids About Sex: A Parent-Child Bible Study
Talking to their kids about lust and pornography feels daunting for many…
Talking to their kids about lust and pornography feels daunting for many parents. And these topics are secondary to a more foundational discussion of sex. Parents who are fearful of talking to their kids about…