The following is a real Covenant Eyes member testimony. Her name has been omitted for privacy.
“I thank God for setting me free from pornography, even though it hasn’t been for long.
I come from Africa, where pornography is not mentioned often to children by their parents. I watched pornography for the first time when I was a teenager. It was on my brother’s phone, and I didn’t know it was porn.
And then, in March of last year, I came to know about it fully as I was browsing on Google and watched it several times. I would take four hours watching even though I was a Christian. In August last year, I came across Covenant Eyes. I slowly started to quit porn.
But sometimes, I would find myself back there; I would sin and ask for forgiveness and then stay on track for a month, watch porn again until I realized that I was alive to the world and dead in Christ. That was because I had not removed the triggers from my phone; I was still struggling with my past and was not ready to let it go. I was not studying the word of God either.
Now, I have gone days without watching porn! I take my time to study the word of God, pray, and read Christian books related to my daily struggles and who Christ has called me to be. I believe these few days will turn into weeks, months, and years. In Christ Jesus, I am free, and I tell myself that every time. I open up to someone I trust and who can help me.
The word of God is clear that the wages of sin is death; anyone who continues to do sin does not belong to God. I don’t want to be a slave of the devil.
Covenant Eyes also played a big part when they constantly sent me emails that encouraged me. Through those emails, I came to understand the deeper effects of pornography.
Quitting porn starts with accepting that you have a problem that needs fixing. Remove all the triggers and allow your mind to be renewed because it all starts in your mind, and then the next step is to fulfill what you pictured in your mind.
Don’t give the devil more opportunities to enslave you; keep pressing on!”
–Anonymous from Africa
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